
I think Elite Daily beats Thought Catalog in that but by hair.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was the first time in a long while that I approached a major superhero movie with active dread. I already had low expectations based on how I felt about Man of Steel. I lowered them as the first reviews started to hit (though I didn’t read any of them) and lowered them even more

As far as I’m concerned the EU is canon until something in the films specifically disputes something in the EU. Revan is a good example but there is still official hope for him. I don’t think Disney has gotten around to officially classifying the ongoing Star Wars: The Old Republic game which mentions Revan. Since it

#1 um, it absolutely was canon. They created an actual paying job for someone to specifically keep everything straight. Lucas closely monitored its development and personally approved plotlines. The prequels didn’t “debunk” anything. Secondary materials like the books were retconned to fit the primary source,

Jesus! None of these characters are skilled with a lightsaber! This proximity with unsheathed lightsaber blades is the the equivalent of untrained people standing with loaded shotguns pointing at their friends, finger on the trigger, safety off, about to have a muscle spasm in their hand. All anyone of these three

I like New 52 Starfire. I do not like this new DC You version. I just wanted to clarify because I think I know which ones you mean but I can’t be sure.

I read the first article (I’m at work, haven’t got a chance to look at the second one yet) and I don’t disagree. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying New 52 Starfire

Can’t tell if you’re trying to imply that I was being immature or if you’re trying to insult me. Either way, Monty Python is funny.

I was one of the young girls introduced to her in the cartoon. Many comics feature adult themes that are not present in their animated counterparts. Like Batman and Superman... and Teen Titans. I’d argue that the fact that it’s ok for the extreme violence in Batman to draw in young boys but that young girls feel

I remember Tim and Jason interacting but I don’t remember any implication that Todd was ever on the Titans. But if Jason is given history with the Titans in addition to his history with Tim Drake it’s not “instead of” Dick Grayson it’s “in addition to.” Starfire’s past relationship with Nightwing is mention at least

What part of Dick’s story was given to Jason? You think Barbie-Starfire is better than badass-alien-princess-who-saved-her-whole-planet Starfire?

“When the “other” girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture they get that nomination. [38 smiley faces]”

Considering Swift’s Bad Blood broke Vevo records set by Anaconda I’d say it’s pretty clear who Minaj is talking about. And yes, I counted the smiley faces... they didn’t copy and paste well and

The here’s hoping he gets bored with this style faster than the old one and comes up with something better.

No Rat Queens :(
No Convergence :(
No Batman :(
No Captain Marvel :(

I started DC comics with the New 52. The New 52 made me want more so I went and read a bunch of the previous stuff. I am also a woman. New 52 Starfire is fucking awesome (main costume aside). She’s totally badass and in no way a “sex object” like she was in previous iterations where her sole purpose was “exotic love

I love you. Even though I have a feeling I’ll like RHatO Starfire better than this one, I still love you. You have shown me that I’m not alone.

Not a big fan of the art. Am a big fan of Jason and Roy. LOVED Red Hood and the Outlaws. I’ll miss Starfire but honestly, not all change is good and sometimes “fresh” means taking someone who is the second most powerful being on Earth (perhaps even first now that Supes has that super flare) and forcing her into the

Oh thank Rao the Barbie-doll wannabe, Babs Tarr’s Batgirl knockoff, from the cover preview didn’t seep into the book. I still like the looks of RHatO’s Starfire better but I was really worried about that cover.

Just to be clear, I like Babs Tarr’s art an Babs Tarr as a person but I’m not a huge fan of the watered down

I might be part of a very small minority here but I really liked this version:

Man I miss the old art. No Goofy teeth, no weirdly shaded and dramatically upturned noses, no freckles. There's nothing wrong with freckles obviously but Gabe didn't start with them :(

... I like this better than Batfleck. :( Also, this is the first cowl I've seen that looks like it could actually accommodate a HUD.