

Because this is the first time we hear about it.

what was the point of spending all that money just to shutdown the studio? i don’t get it

How is this the first I’ve heard of Eidos helping with Fable?

Can you imagine Alien Isolation in VR?!

Until Isolation I felt that way about the old Monlith AvP games.

Disney did not own the IP when that game was made.

However, I agree that they should make a sequel.

Why do they keep making Alien games that aren’t Alien: Isolation?

And another thing! Those white armor guys are totally ripping off the Cylons look from Battle Star Galctus! 

My roommate mentioned he has Jason Vorhees magic. He moves slow but can teleport a couple times for the service of plot.

My only complaint about Vader is that he looks kind of off. I can’t tell if it’s the suit itself or they way they are filming Christensen. But at least they tweaked James Earl Jones’ voice just right.

You say that, then he shows up out of nowhere like Jason Voorhees. But with a fancier machete.

From Disney?

The show isn’t the greatest thing, but it’s entertaining to invoke nostalgia from my childhood. I’ll take the fan service any day.

Did the end of Ep 3 and the beginning of this series not drive home the point of why Obi acts the way he does?

Padmé’s former lover Clovis Bray

Child actors can’t help it if they get stuck with shitty dialogue, as was the case in Ep 1.

I also felt this perfectly embraced Darth Vader and the big old emo kid he was in the prequels. Angry, petty and a serious whiner for Pete’s sake.

I think if you aren’t a fan of the prequels (it took my sons love of the prequels as “his” SW to make me feel like a geezer and finally sit down and watch The Clone Wars for

Just a reminder, Hayden Christensen stated in interviews that he watched all of The Clone Wars to get back into the mindset for this series.  He’s absolutely incorporating Matt Lanter’s performance into his own.

There will be a follow up fight after  Kenobi gets his groove back. He’ll hand Vader his ass (thus establishing Vader’s “learner” status) but leave him alive once again, out of sympathy.