Until roughly 15 minutes ago, I thought the only people who saw a final cut of By the Sea in its entirety were…
Until roughly 15 minutes ago, I thought the only people who saw a final cut of By the Sea in its entirety were…
He at least recognizes that he might as well do some good with his obscene wealth.
Yay!! Thank YOU for the conversation!
THANK YOU, I was going to point this out but saw this first :)
Which is NOT AT ALL to take away from the thousands upon thousands of amazing, courageous aid workers all over the world who are laboring tirelessly to make it a better place for everyone. Huge respect to all of them.
I was firmly on your side of things, and suspicious of celebrities in general, but then I was researching a story about the kids coming to the southern US border asking for asylum (I’m a reporter specializing in border and immigration work) which led me to a group called Kids in Need of Defense, or KIND, which - as it…
To me (and this is just imho); migratory workers does sound a bit like migrant workers. ‘Worker’, itself, has a closer connotation to labourer than it does to actor, celebrity, or, even, say, lawyer. I do think that had Brad Pitt said: we are migratory actors, for example, the resonance would have been quite different.
Maybe but he’s specifically saying they do it ‘for work’. They are choosing to move because they travel ‘for work’. I mean sure it’s offensive if you’re determined to make it so, but if not, what he’s saying here is essentially ‘we move around for work so we need to accommodate the kids’ and I don’t see why that is a…
He’s using the term just fine this is infuriating. Migrant and migratory are totally different words. He’s comparing the family to something like birds who move with the seasons, not freaking migrant workers. He’s more intellectual than all the people misreading him.
He has a degree in Art History I believe. With some architecture background as well. He was very involved in the design and construction of the homes they helped build in New Orleans. I think he meant migratory in the literal sense. I moved a lot as a child, my mother was not a farm worker or military, a regular old…
I saw Viola speak at a film festival. I don't even really love her work, but I loved hearing her speak. She really walked the line of being completely honest about being a black woman in Hollywood, being entertaining, and doing craft talk. She was so funny and sweet, but then held no punches about what it's like to be…
Ugh. Come on. This is the definition of a reach. Try covering actual migrant workers’ issues instead - or is that less fun and snappy than just pretending to care about classism and working people’s feelings in the context of an article about Brad Pitt?
No, Tupiniquim. I think you are simply a better person than I.
What the what? So many intelligent people are actors. Pointing to the casting couch thing is so narrow and offensive. I’m a filmmaker and producer, I have nothing but love and respect for talented actors. Don’t confuse “actor” with “celebrity.” Do you think Sir Ian McKellan and Viola Davis fucked their way to the top?…
You missed “in a sense”?
Yeah, Brad has never seemed terribly bright. A very inconsiderate and tone-deaf statement, to be sure, but not malicious.
Really Jezebel? You must be running out of things to be offended by today because this is really reaching.
OK, they don’t just fit in human rights activism “here and there,” it’s actually been a significant part of Jolie’s life since she was 26, and Pitt’s since he met her. They use their privilege for enormous good—what have you done lately? This is a reaching article, Jez. Next.
I feel like the very self-aware use of ‘in a sense’ pretty much covers it.