Yeah..... I want more Mexican people here please.... Those great “fans” in the stands. GO TRUMP!!!! Build that fucking wall quick!
Yeah..... I want more Mexican people here please.... Those great “fans” in the stands. GO TRUMP!!!! Build that fucking wall quick!
Hope the USA does not build a wall so we can have more of those great people over here to contribute to society!!!!! Ugh......
Great! Please list what you are and are not offended by because it is really hard to insult others...while trying not to hurt the feelings of gay forget it......
NFL Winning %..... Saban - .469% No playoffs....
Burner.....When cwolf20 enters a room.... You should just turn around and leave......quickly.
Unless used in this instance.
...and by “a bit” mean 99.9%. The .1% goes to the finger pulling the trigger....
I forget.... Does this black life matter.....or not? I can’t jump to conclusions so ...please answer it for me. Thank you....My only hope is that it was a white cops apartment that the fine young man broke into....errr....I mean entered into then I won’t need your help and will immediately blame the shooter of…
Yep.....and a couple of years ago the “polar vortex” hit and it was colder than usual...... Please...shut up with this nonsense.....
Who gives a shit......
......or maybe Green is racist....
I can’t “star” this enough.... If somebody makes a mistake, feelings are hurt and it becomes a way bigger story than need be.
I wonder.... If this was a church group out there to sing and this happened to them would there be one word written about it? They are adults....mistakes happen. Get over it......
Owls number 1. Come better..... No owls on this list? It is a crappy list and should be immediately deleted.....
Look son.... Now that is how the game is played.....
Can’t wait for the next
Thank you for that list...... Way more fucked up. But good ole’ Barry won’t talk about that.....
...add George to Todd, Kyle and Tuckers’ team.....
So that explains a ton about the ghetto and the wonderful names that come from there....Thanks!
Please Deadspin.....Please tell me what fanbase is really and truly the best! I keep seeing that people are saying that St. Louis fans are racist and act like they are better than everybody else.... Yet I look around...and every team has ass hat fans.... I fail to see why St Louis is pointed out....and no, not a…