
A guy with the fucking name Barry is writing this..... Pretty much all Barry’s are assholes.

Red Wings were 1-25 on the powerplay.....Not even sure what Tampa Bay had for the power play but was WAY better than that crap..... Mrazak lost the game....not the series....

I will wait for the stats on that.........

Speak your mind.....get crushed by all who disagree..... Somebody has their little feelings hurt and you get fired. Well, i’m going to go and take a shit in a womans bathroom now........see ya!

Huh.... I keep only reading how cops are the ones doing the shooting. I will wait for Sharpton to demonstrate against this murder......

I say include the Tri Cities... Midland and Bay City. Then you have a little of everything! Midlander here........

....but I bet the ones that do live there are the LOUDEST.....Because that is how a New Yorker argues and proves he...and especially she is right.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me....” Not in todays world. Everything offends everybody for whatever reason..... Toughen up world.

Yeah.... He became a Senator of a large state. Big failure. Now go back and bag those groceries idiot...... Fucking closet shrink. Your a joke.

Well....say what you want. And you did offer your opinion. But with him gone I have NOBODY to vote for. A country this big and this is what we have to chose from. God save us.........

Trump becomes President....... Spends 8 years in office and does a fantastic job..... It would be fascinating to see what all the haters would say. Especially this wonderful place like Deadspin..... (Not a fan of Trump...just sick of Republican/Conservative bashing)

Would bombs or stabbings be better? If some gangbanger wants to kill there are plenty of other ways.......

He is not really hurt anyways.... I can’t believe anybody watches this “sport”.

.....and don’t bring up how much the black community shoots up their own neighborhoods either..... Oops.....sorry, I can’t say that. Only whites do wrong.....

Garbage article.........

Next year. All blacks and only blacks. That will finally make them happy. Oh, wait! They have the BET awards.......Can’t wait for all the protests from whites, Asians, Indians and Latino’s.... Nope, can’t do that either. Well, I guess we just all sit and wait to be told what others can and cannot do.

Then get back to me when the Asians are not gunning down each other down in their communities by the hundreds...... DAILY..... How about they fix their own backyard just a little bit.

An absolute epidemic of police violence? Sure.... You follow six stories of police violence and buy into it as an epidemic. I would say blacks killing blacks is an epidemic....but I guess that is ok. Just keep watching the news and follow along the narrative.....

You could go on....and nobody would have heard of them either.....

I would love to see you watch that video and cry a fountain of butt hurt tears......