
For as much as Deadspin tries to force it: Nobody. Cares. About. Soccer....

“That’s Chile’s anthem you hear here, not Uruguay’s”-Things Timothy Burke just learned 5 minutes ago

Agreed on all accounts

Ali is certainly a class of his own, but Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Pat Tillman also gave years of their life (in Tillmans case, all of them) to “fight” for what they believed in. This is not to denigrate Ali, what he did, in my mind, is no less brave or important than what those others did.

Do you live there? Because I am pretty sure that if you did, you’d be singing a different tune.

That’s some Grade A “flameage” there.

How did Saban do in the NFL when he actually had to play on an even playing field?

No this is Deadspin. The gun is to blame and so is the guy who pulled the trigger. If you think otherwise you are a small dicked Republican who has an IQ of 10 and fuck your sister.

There’s victim blaming and then there’s “not reporting relevant information.” In this case, the crime he was committing is the fucking reason he was shot and killed. I’d say that’s relevant and probably worth mentioning in the article.

Who will be the first Deadspin commentator to blame the victim for being shot?

I mean, was this a screw up? Yes. But everyone needs to chill. This wasn’t some orchestrated prank meant to mock gay men. They botched the situation. Now we have ‘statements’ and ‘apologies’ and teary recollections of public humiliation. Everyone’s a victim.

I think you underestimate how expensive hockey is.

You obviously weren’t paying attention to sports media during the D’Brickashaw/Shawon/Chone/Anfernee/Laveranues/Antawn/Antoine/every-other-misspelled-nightmare-name days.

I can imagine if they were black, you wouldn’t be calling their first names irritating.

You know how I knew NYC would be at the top of the list? Because people who live there take every opportunity to talk about how it’s the best city, like they all have an inferiority complex. It’s like listening to Trump keep insisting that his hands aren’t small.

What the fuck is your website’s obsession with Rubio? Jesus. And it's not just Big Dumb Al over here. It's been going on since Weinstein went full pissbaby and eventually left to pen 13,000 word screeds on the unacceptable quilting of military toilet paper. What is it with you guys? Is it because you know he would

I’m personally all for anything that ends in Claude Lemieux getting his face bashed in.

Now that was a rivalry.

Those games for those years were the very definition of hate.