Life is a Playlist

Of course there is a creepy dad behind this. Of course.

I hope all President’s continue this tradition.

Do you really have the watch the 19th debate since they’ll say the same thing as the other 18 times? These guys are mostly puppets who repeat the same talking points. Then there is Trump, who is just bat shit insane ... I follow him on Twitter for the lolz.

Have you ever been to Baltimore or Chicago?

Debit card at pump, FTW.

Me, too. Until we were parked on that steep hill on the side of 7-11 and I disengaged the brake and rolled back into the street. After that I wasn’t allowed to be left unattended.

For bonus points you should smoke the cigs in the car, with the kid(s) in the back seat and the windows rolled up.

Do people fall asleep in hammocks?!

Doncha know that every post on Gawker is dramatic?

“Listen to me closely — this is very important for you to understand — and I am going to use plain English — Obama is too dumb to know that guy is a terrorist” -Donald Trump

Oh, and I am absolutely convinced that people lash out against the type of people they’re terrified of becoming. The best part? They usually become them!

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

I picked locks for years. The one brand I’d recommend nobody buy is KwikSet. Can be drilled out in record time. Burglars don’t just pick locks — an electric drill can drill out a KwikSet core easier than putting a hole in sheetrock.

I used to be in REO and have gotten my lock picking skills down to bout a minute (and if that doesn’t work drilling out the core does).

Forget about the deals, I am impressed with how many ecommerce sales Gawker generates considering it is not even a main focus of of the company. The $69.99 battery alone generated $1.8 million in sales. Then there was the $89.99 one doing half as much.

Forget about the deals, I am impressed with how many ecommerce sales Gawker generates considering it is not even a

There are a ton of people in their 70’s doing coke.

As a former porn producer (who never explored simulated rape, as that can easily be ruled as obscenity by the community — plus, I stuck to mostly vanilla, anyway), I can tell you that most models do not have much leeway in which scenes they accept, lest they be labeled a flake.

Based on this logic, does Trump also want to shut down the Catholic churches that had pedophile leaders? Why not just shut them all down for good measure?

Horrible parents like this is one of the reasons people get into stuff like this in the first place.

Jamming devices are illegal in the US. Even jails and prisons cannot use them, although they really want to, since so many cells are smuggled in. A venue can elect to not provide WiFi, of course, but they are not allowed to interfere with wireless signals in the US.