Life is a Playlist

I read the headline as Obama Projector every time I scan the front page of Gawker.

I read the headline as Obama Projector every time I scan the front page of Gawker.

Really? It didn’t say drug her eggnog. It says spike it. As in with alcohol. Why are people trying to change the definition? People know when their drink is spiked with alcohol. They do not usually know when it is spiked with date rape drugs.

I have to give props to my brother and sister-in-law. They’ve got that 50/50 shit down to a science. There is so much family and friend time, vacations, etc. despite both working full-time jobs. Two very active kids under the roof with lots of sports and extra-curricular activity. I don’t know how they do it.

LOL they don’t have a mill because the government blew it up.

Who said she was having sex with him?

They’re essentially politicians and trying to cover all bases.

So he will only appear with him after he’s cryogenically frozen and reanimated?

Watch her reality TV show. Nothing but laughs. Hilarious family.

Fair Use isn’t really complicated though. The only people who claim it to be complicated are those who do not want to pay for rights.

Sure, but their was $100 million a year. King did five times that in a quarter. I do not know their EBITA, but if the margins are strong, that is a great purchase price. Also, every headline I just read said the Popcap deal was up to $1.3 billion. Don’t care enough to research, but maybe it was a cash and stock deal?

It’s not high priced. King is on the path to grossing $2 billion a year. I haven’t looked at their EBITA, but it sounds like a good deal based on those revenue numbers. Another benefit of this acquisition is instant and deep mobile penetration.

I haven’t look at King’s financial statements, but it sounds like a run of the mill deal. They’re on the path to grossing $2 billion a year.

Jerry Barns is my new hero.

I have a hard time believing anything in Wisconsin is “pretty upscale.”

The truth finally comes out:

Wow. I had forgotten how big the original iPod was.

I kept waiting and scrolling and waiting for someone to finally get it right.

The cynics, who want to bitch about people raising awareness while probably doing nothing themselves, likely cannot understand such a simple concept.

Now that you’ve gotten that off your chest, what have you done lately?