
My father, who is 78 and a Bill Buckley-style Republican, gets his coffee at a shop with a trans man working the register. My dad manages to call this man by his (masculine) name or “Sir” every morning. He has said he, “doesn’t really get it” but then he shrugs because why would he care? What’s it to him or Vlaming

Why? At what point did our universe contain magicians, dragons, and Hogwarts? This is NOT THE REAL WORLD. It’s a book. a FANTASY book. Designed to take us away from the real world.

So, what I’m gathering, is that in book designed to let us escape from the nightmare that our reality is slowly becoming, you’re upset that it doesn’t more realistically represent our real world?

Thank you very much. We’re doing well these days, and she’s settled into the role of Mistress of the Home. I don’t have to stress over the news as badly as before, but every now and then, something reflects that “dark valley”, and I have to remind her how much quicksand is lurking around the edges to keep her pulled

My best wishes to you you and Mrs. OB—I wish you both all the support and love you need to get through this.

I have to second Matt Berry’s casting as the younger brother and basically playing his character from The IT Crowd was magical. The moment I heard his voice I knew the character was going to be great and I was right. There is something about the cadence of his voice that lends itself so well to upper class buffoonery.

Now playing

It is not hyperbole to say it might be the most hated software product Microsoft has ever produced

Used a couple of spots for the wife, so she didn’t get paranoid about my paranoia ;)

Also, the Pixel and Pixel 2 “P” OS has the option to add that to the power button.

This really should be prefaced with a reminder that the police do not need a search warrant to open your phone and peruse it for anything they like with just your fingerprint. You may not, however, be forced to give up a pin code. 

Who cares? He and his ilk deserve to hear from the overwhelming majority of Americans not lining his pockets.

Yeah, Richard wasn’t so much “loving it” as pissed off, to my recollection... banned tons of us that day.

Does McConnell really think we’re this stupid?” Have you seen who’s sitting in the White House? Is there really any question that we’re not, or that we’ve gotten what we deserve?

disposable wipes. that is all. 

I’ve just been feeling deeper and deeper levels of shame for the last 2 years. I feel an additional bit of shame because I’m happy that Mrs. OB isn’t in contact with her family in Taiwan; it limits the out-of-the country discussions/apologies with friends to only 7 instead of more than 10.

No it’s not. It won’t matter. They might make noise about it. But they won’t do anything at all differently. We’ll still be stuck with him, and they’ll still insist things are better, and it’s not the Republican’s fault, and life will go on. It just goes on worse.

Of course they didn’t. they believe in #45's BS just as much as the Jonestown crowd believed. They’ve already had the KoolAid. But they’re only dead inside. They’re still breathing, taking up space, and rotting up the area around them.

He failed to conceal the fact he’s a wife beater. Are we sure he’s not a closet Republican?

I’m sure Ted Cruz has tried to blast himself in the face just to see what it was like.

Mrs. OB was raped and abused by her previous boss, and left her in no condition to return to the work force. Even after recovery, it’s been more important to me that she feel secure and safe and secure at the house, than having her go back to work, fulfilling our materialistic desires. I worked hard to keep her away