
fuck this guy for cheating and fuck you for endorsing it.

Wait... so you can report people for simply being bad at the game? That seems stupid. Is there not some sort of ranking system on place to handle that automatically?

I get your point, but there are documented cases of false rape accusations. I think that there are other instances where people can see the victim’s own story and doubt it - see the Cosby trial for an example of that.

Credit where it’s due: for a 13 year old game, it seems like they’re still improving and making good QoL improvements.

What does your friend even do with her time? Like walk in nature or something? Ugh. She has ruined my day.

Exactly. Paul Ryan, spineless dunce though he may be, is far preferable to Pence. That’s really my only hope, that this whole thing brings down not just Benito the Cheeto but also Motherlover.

This is what makes me most concerned about him being impeached or resigning, tho. Mike Pence is at least as bad, and a lot more effective at getting his hatred into legislation. Trump, monster-baby though he may be, is at least too incompetent to get his horrible ideas into effect.

I like how this thread is full of people who want to tell other people, who actually believe the science that Smiling Makes you Happier, that they’re not allowed to spend money to encourage themselves to feel better. Excellent attitudes: “People are offering to sell me something that will make me smile and feel

Yet you seem like a joy to work for.

Probably a good thing you wouldn’t hire them, I wouldn’t want to be hired by a company that doesn’t understand humor.

I believe the intent was to frame the statement as covering various acts of varying degrees of illegality and harassment, but was unwilling to simply cover the statement with “behavior”, as this was obviously “behaving badly”.

beat me to it.... That is the problem with the WORLD today. Too many “people” separate themselves, and others, into “us” and “them”. It doesn’t mean a good godsdamned ANYTHING if they have a single living relative. They are alive, and human beings, and if any of them knew anything about it, and didn’t prevent it, then

Got it twice, plus ripped :)

Then you have game companies like EA that have admitted that piracy does not hurt game sales and may indeed help. So no, its not a lost sale at all.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that a pirated copy of a game probably doesn’t represent a lost sale of a game. In some cases it does for sure, but not all... not even most cases.

The plural of a Cornish Pasty is pasties. Sometimes, English words have more than one meaning. It’s not always gutter speak.

Half Elf Druid thank you :), and I was an elven ranger long before Legolas made it cool :P

Aww, a little too close to accurate, wasn’t I :)

To be honest, she self destructed because that’s what white women do under pressure.

I actually put 50 First Dates in the genre of “good” Adam Sandler Movies. I’m looking at this like I looked at The Truman Show: I showed the wife, and we said, “Wow, maybe he can actually act...” . We’ll see this weekend :)