
Yes, we do. 

It’s small, and some may consider it stupid, but I consider it a victory in parenting. I hate those “I’ll count to 3!!” parents. In my opinion, all that does it teach a child that when I say something, I might not mean it. What happens when they’re chasing a ball, or too close to a snake? When I say “Stop”, my

You’re giving him too much credit. He’s imagining dead dogs. That’s it.

I would. Any time. The man is intelligent, and can carry a conversation. Would love to debate him.

I think some of us were spoiled. My mom kept me home until 1st grade, and insists I had finished The Hobbit by the end of first grade. I remember reading it that year, don’t know that I finished it, and I do know some of the words and concepts were beyond me, but I asked tons of questions, and I could pronounce

No, the “We know what’s best, we’ve always done it this way, and dissenters get the rack” got us where we are now.

My issue with that is it still holds to the idea that the “current system” works. I think that’s a defective idea. The current system is broken badly, and until we fix it, I think throwing everything with the kitchen sink at it is the best plan.

Nope, I disagree. I think the discontent is aimed at ALL of those up there that have been there for decades. ALL of them.

Supreme Court Justices by definition are not political. I think we can manage to exclude them, if we can let one day in office qualify someone for lifetime retirement. 

Mrs. LB is Asian, and the transition to using gender pronouns has always given her issue anyway. Our nephew’s significant other is transitioning to “him”, and even she’s doing better than I am getting the pronouns correct.... My father always said he had “CRS Syndrome”. Can’t Remeber ... Stuff :)

I prefer to refer to it as “Don’t be a Dick”. But, “mind your own” works too :)

Yeah, whatever. I remember your “Expert Reviewers” insisting that Windows 10 tracking every detail of stuff on a computer was only for the early betas, and would NEVER be released like that. And then he never said another word about it. Whatever. 

I don’t think so.... I don’t believe Android got on the bandwagon until “P”

All I want to say to him over and over is “F*** You F*** You”

When they took everything sideways, and disavowed dozens of books and destroyed canon, they lost me. This is just another indication that I made the right decision.

I can only manage a Fireflies’s viewing once every 5- 10 years, and I’ve already had my quota this decade....

then they shouldn’t have voted to put a Cheeto in charge of the White House. Congratulations. Not quite “Instant Karma”, but close enough. You screwed yourselves and the rest of the country at once. 

sounds like another product of the Russian troll factory. Classic case of deflecting to point at something someone else did.

Nice deflection: “But what about...!!”

meh. skip the CPop, but JPop would be nice :)