
All my birthdays are Jan 1, 1984. All my bosses are Bill Gates. I was born in, raised in, got my first job in, and all my family the same, in NY, NY.

So, out of curiosity, do you play games to lose? (If you don’t play, wtf are you doing commenting on games in the 1st place. But, assuming you do), I assume you play to win. This jackasshole is screwing up the game for the people who get screwed joining the same game as him. Posting this up as a “Look at what this

Mike Pence is SMARTER... not that that’s a high bar anyway, but the point stands. He’s smarter, and quiet. If we get him in the seat, we’re fucked worse. He knows how to work within the system to get the same bat-shit crazy stuff passed, and worse.

I fall in a slightly different 3rd category. I’m afraid I was in a combination of yours when younger, but as I grew up, and had more disposable income, I began purchasing more and more. The state I have”evolved” to is a direct result of those beginnings and the environment therein. I would never go purchase a car

My wife and I met in WoW :) Played several years, thru my divorce, and 2 or 3 of her relationships, and met up after both of our personal lives had imploded. Dated for a year, moved in together, engaged after 2, married after 7 :)

Just because I say I can do it doesn’t mean I could.

I notice you’re not replying to anyone disagreeing with your little diatribe here, I guess that’s status quo for you (oh, I guess for you, I need to dumb it down: “Doin’ the same shit ever’ day, man”

All Day Long. Absolutely useless as a lifehack.

I have to ask, I know you said you buy digital games, and I assume you mean you own games on Steam, but what do you mean by “I have no interest in paying 60 bucks for an access only game”? Have you paid full price for anything on Steam? Do you believe you actually own any of them?

If you’re getting a 130 pound komo anywhere near an angry skunk, you should be the one getting sprayed for being a moron.

I got thru to a supervisor. I have him recording acknowledging my options are

I’m narcissistic enough to go back right after to re-read mine, so usually catch the errors :)

My type of Calvinism.

Anything to get back in the news attempting to seem “relevant”.

We have 7. 5 dogs, 2 cats, plus a cat descendant of one we had when I bought the house. Our “first born” isn’t technically a resuce, but he had been in the pet store for 6 months, selling at half price before they sent him “somewhere else”, so we consider that a rescue. The others were 1, bought at rescue event, 1,

Someone needs to arrest his ass again, and get him charged with something else. then see if the commander in cheetos does it again....

I have a simple question to that. What should the “consequences” have been for going into a black campus, wearing a maga hat? How is their freedom of expression any different than anyone else’s? If we were talking Nazi swastikas or KKK hoods, should there have been a different reaction? Or by carrying on conversations

If I ever really want to just feel miserable about life, I watch that movie....

But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”

Let’s see.... game runs under development/beta for four years, quietly never gets bothered. Article promoting said server gets published. 1 hour after going “live”, server operator receives C&D from Blizzard. One almost wonders if the article is published specifically to attract attention from Blizzard without being