
Wrong. they’re all buggering wankers that need to be fired. This time, the Blue side of the aisle is on the side of the common american. next month, or yesterday, it’s the other way around.

Different cities/counties/municipalities/states have different laws. I can’t claim to have been in anywhere near all jurisdictions, but one of the things that I have a habit of checking is local speeding laws, and basic traffic rules in the areas I’ve lived. Currently in Georgia (and everywhere I’ve lived since I

Oh yeah, I’m sure she consented to having random dirty items shoved into her behind a filthy dumpster in a freaking alley.

That swimmer team kid who raped that girl behind the dumpster? Needs to be known as a rapist. And someone who’s mansplaining that “that wasn’t really rape because he didn’t penetrate her with his penis, so you girls are being unfair”? He needs to STFU.

Obvious troll.....

“No” means “No”.... and they wonder why young men don’t understand that simple fact... it’s because they’re waiting for someone to explain WHYYYY it means no.....

I had a different method. Lemme tell a story.

Yup +1 to this. I usually use our hot water kettle, pour a short bit over a spoon, blow on it for about 5 seconds, then apply until I can’t stand it, cool the spot a bit, then do it again until the spoon really doesn’t feel warm.

What got me was that middle stat for Steph... 13 rebounds....

Attach Google Voice to your voicemail, and login occasionally to read the voicemail, delete the spam.

yeah, because insurance premiums never go up, and we would never see an increase in premiums if #45 was in charge!!

would be nice....

Good. And they should keep airing it until we get #45* out of there.

I guess I’d just like to ask why you thought that a joke regarding the KKK was a funny thing, whether or not that’s what the originators intended.

Love the Fifth Element in XP :)

You have no idea what can break someone’s budget, and no right to speak for them. None of this excuses this jerk’s behavior.

Oh, so that excuses his behavior? I’ve worked several different customer service positions, and my current job requires me to interact with clients on a regular basis. If I EVER took this attitude with one, I’d be going back to the office to clean out my desk, it wouldn’t matter what they’d said to me. This attendant

Seeing the video on a different site, it makes my blood boil... that guy’s attitude, I probably would have been arrested. I don’t know that I could have stood his belligerence after hitting the lady with a stroller. Still steaming.....

Obvious Troll is Obvious....