Fuck that. She’s a fucking tool, and I didn’t want her in charge of the white house again.
Fuck that. She’s a fucking tool, and I didn’t want her in charge of the white house again.
and who was a better choice for running the government? Her? Please, not a chance in hell was she any better. Lord Dampnut #45*? yeah... sure. Because our options were so spectacular. How else are we supposed to convince the idiots in those parties we’re tired of the same old shit?? I voted third party, but there’s…
I concur with a couple of other responders: .hack is a completely different animal, and more serious than SAO.
Stars for a Buffy reference :)
No, he said that her public stances and intentions weren’t in his best interests.
I had one left in my inv when I stopped playing a few years ago, but hadn’t set aside a month yet to log in and use it. Guess I won’t be doing it at all now...
Haven’t changed a thing. See my original post. I think what happened, is you fell down a rabbit hole of addressing someone else, and realized it after you were already too far gone to admit you made a mistake. It’s ok, it’s common amongst trump supporters.
Ah, #AlternativeFacts Man :) Let’s check my quote, shall we, Mr. Trump?
“But Clinton-”
When did Lisa Kudrow get attached to the white house?
Not at all. I’m pointing out that we have no proof either way, and you made a statement of #alternativefacts: “The child was certainly unaware the car was stolen.” None of us have proof either way. I merely made that clear by indicating two possible scenarios at either end of the spectrum. I neither saw, nor said,…
But you said “Certainly”, as in “for a fact”. We don’t know this, unless someone has been able to commune with her dead spirit and read her mind to determine that.
My wife makes a mess out of that because she tends to treat me like a thanksgving turkey. I get sent in to work with enough food for 2 people.
My Dad used to make velveta and Sausage in a big batch, then toast english muffins, top them, freeze the lot on wax paper, and then stick them in freezer bags. Pull them out a pair at a time for breakfast.
Ah yes. “Thanks Trump!!”
We have a T intersection past an elem school not far from my house, and it “dead ends” at a small business. Well-lit, highly marked, plenty of time to stop. I‘ll give you a one-word explanation for the guy who ran the sign and in through the (thankfully deserted) building a few years ago: Drunk.
People of the land. You know... Morons.
Loved Madigan, Iliza was ok, as long as I only watched one at a time: too much of her and she started grating on me. Didn’t much like Ali, Amy was pretty good, but this Leather Special just wasn’t worth my time.....
I’m totally with you there. My wife looked at me about 10 minutes thru, and she’d had enough. I was done 5 before that.