
Plus, it cannot possibly take into account (because I’m not sure anything can), the factors that came into play to put #45* in the WH to begin with. “a woman acting like Donald Trump could never have won the election” . No one thought that anyone acting like Drump could have been elected, and yet, there he squats...

Oh shut up asshole. Everyone here knows you’re just a redneck with a beer gut, a loud mouth, and not enough balls to admit when you’re wrong.

So, asshole, where’d ya go? You gonna have the nutsack to come out and apologize, or you gonna hide in your snowflake safe space with your #alternativefacts ?

And we’re surprised at the coward why?

Let us know. My memory is for shit, and I constantly interrupt conversations because I know I’ll lose the thought long before the person lets me have my turn :(

“It’s rarely somebody slipping and accidental sex. There’s usually a whole mindfuck that goes along with it.

I’m disappointed that all they seemed to do was exactly that: remade the animated into a live version....

Had to view this on youtube just to thumbs down.


Report it for pretending to be someone else :) Let’s see what happens

Right? I’m glad I wasn’t the only one with an issue with “Interpretation of the law”....

I just have to say, loved the Totinos SNL :)

And at this point, I’m more than happy to cheer anyone who does so. He’s a punk-ass kid being a punk-ass bitch, and I’m hopeful that he makes it to the NBA, where he ends up tripping someone with Charles Barkley’s attitude, and gets floored. Repeatedly.

Yet another punk-ass punk, being a punk. Surprise?

And so it begins....

So disappointed in The Piano Guys.....

Thanks so much :) I’ve been doing the general “spoon” method. So, as someone who grows them, how the hell do I pick a ripe one? I love the flavor, but I’m not sure that I’ve ever gotten anything other than a “meh” for ripeness....

... I hate to be “that person”, but...Couch Drops?

Very Cute :) Met my wife in WoW 11 years ago or so, but we didn’t manage a WoW themed wedding... maybe I should be planning our 10 year anniversary....

Our weather in NW Ga has been warmer than usual this year, with a cold snap coming in soon, but we’ve not turned on the heat yet. It’s made for some sub-50 mornings waking up, but we keep several blankets on the bed (and an electric mattress-cover), and layers, layers layers :)