
“...that said protesting campus speakers ‘violated the University’s long-standing commitment to free expression:’”

I want to crowdsource a question I have about chelsea’s “process.”

And you’re not aware of the universal journalistic standard which states that you always use someone’s preferred pronouns and stated name? Do you also have to “investigate further” by “reading other articles” every time you need to know what 2+2 is? Do you just make assumptions about what color the sky is, and pray if

It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for

I’m not condoning racism. I’m just saying people grieve in their own way.

This helped a lot and is beautiful.

COSIGN! Not to mention: divorce is hella expensive. ;)



Don’t forget the hashtag she added on:

THANK YOU. every single time i’ve read this i’ve been confused and wondered if that was just me

toooooooooo many commas, or keep your offset phrases parallel, and maybe give us a bit of a rhythm to the word explosion

I know! I reread this sentence over and over again. Like, In exchange for good hair she will take the good lighting? Is she trying to be deep? What is going on in this word salad?

Yeah, that’s the problem with this new statement. Without the “Becky with the good hair” context, the comment makes absolutely no sense. Of course it doesn’t make a whole helluva a lot of sense in context either, so there’s that.

FYI, it’s Jay-Z’s Grandma Hattie White in the birthday party speech.

Exactly THIS. I’m a photographer, and have been teaching photography to adult students for 15 years. And my students work their ASSES off to learn the medium. They work hard, they show up to class after a full day’s work or caring for their children, they take time from their families and they scrimp and save to pay

Oh, no, that’s ridiculous and I’d say so no matter if it was a boy or girl. Overreaction like that just makes it more likely that somebody really getting hassled/groped won’t say anything for fear of being the “rat” that got so and so in huge trouble with the cops.

you are doing god’s work, friend.

I mean, it’s probably where she got the idea that this was just a jokey game and acceptable behavior in the first place.

I’ve heard of Erin Brocovich. I’ve never heard about any massive chemical leaks in West Virginia. Who’s really in need of the attention whoring?