
Interesting. I’ve shared bathrooms with many a trans woman and many a cis woman and have yet to experience anything “inappropriate”. Once my trans roommate even had to pick me up off the floor of our bathroom ass-naked after I passed out from a concussion. Crazy how she managed to contain her raging hormones and keep

The facebook comments on this are the best thing you will read all day. I bow to you, Joanna.

Calm down there, Satan.


It looks like a Star Trek symbol to me.

Right? Maybe he was trying to draw an Illuminati symbol?

Satanic Pentagram?

Personally I find it odd that so far every single Miss Universe has come from Earth.

Your child’s name can scream “teen mom” or “mcmansion pinterest housewife mom” or “artsy hister mom” or “single mother” or any number of things.

I don’t think the point of this Serial was to see if he gets court marshaled or not, but to get more information as to what exactly happened. It’s interesting to hear why people do certain things and the appeal of Serial isn’t in necessarily find a definitive ending.

I want to say thanks for sharing this. I think a big part of the problem for a lot of committed progressives is that they don’t really believe that religious folks mean what they say, or really believe what they claim to believe.

Only few years ago i was a hardcore New Ager, believing i could heal my teeth just with visualization and “trusting my body”. Actually I firmly believed I could heal my entire self with just visualization and New Age mantras. Was also an anti-vaxxer, anti-transgenic plants, reader of David Icke and various other

The song and music video released right after the trailer has the lyric “we are the only people who shoot and kill each other”

Which, NOOOPE, not at all. Not even in Chicago, not even if limiting to gang violence in Chicago, which has gangs of all races. There are also women who are active members. Because gang

Oh Gawd, WHY did you ungrey these people by replying to them?! Do. Not. Engage. With. Trolls. Please!

lol, you’re stupid and you say stupid things.

Know a lot about trauma, and how it effects each individual person? Read some rape stories, and you'll find a common thread is the denial that it was rape. That the person they're in a relationship with would never do that. They tell themselves it was everything but rape, until they can't anymore. This is not uncommon.

Thing is Black people are always talking about black people killing other black people and what we can do about it. So this rhetoric makes me ragey.

I would be surprised if his personal and professional life is going to be “ruined” based on those two tweets. Men have been actually accused of rape and gone through the legal process (Bryant, Roethlisberger, Winston) and not had their careers or lives ruined. Bill Cosby was accused of rape by multiple women a decade

Sheen’s a confirmed serial batterer. Maybe you can’t hate him, but you could not make comments cooing over him.