
This doesn’t make sense. So girls are what, 51% of the population? But the laws and practices “diproportionatelly” affect them? I mean on its face the statement is true, but if the meaning is that girls are being unfairly targeted, then the numbers do not back that up. Unless we are saying that like 50% of all called him Bo Bo.

White Man Upset That He Was Described As White Later Describes Child He Bought A Present For As Black

+100 for commitment! +100 for being gorgeous

Dance magic dance

My hair is still all sorts of tangled today.

My boyfriend an drew I went as Rey and Finn from The Force Awakens!

This shit is what keeps women out of politics, the baggage of every single male ever in their life. Hillary is going to shatter that too, I hope.


No, fuck YOU. It is not Huma’s fault. Why don’t you go woman-blame yourself off a tall building.

I love this tweet.

“Oh lord, the hypocrisy of Democrats this year reminds me why I left the party”

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

People lie about reading books for the same reasons that motivated you to write that comment.

Why would I feign naivete? To be condescending? That’s right, other Barry.

That crowd can go screw, IMO

I will never be over the fact that SVU did an episode based loosely on Anthony Weiner, in which the offending politician used “Enrique Trouble” for his “Carlos Danger” alter-ego.

Such an existential question

“Just very lazy and not even smirk-level humorous.”