
I think a certain blog post author is tired of getting their butt kicked playing Cones of Dunshire.

[don't kill me for taking this out of the greys]

I gotta tell ya, I think the level of vitriol directed toward the Kardashians says a tremendous amount about our society. I don't particularly care for them, which I've said time and time again. I think they're kinda tacky and boring.

Huh, I thought when you went to PP you had to go through a mandatory abortion in the waiting room before you get to do all the other checkup stuff.

Sadly, I think you're right. I'm a volunteer patient escort at a local Planned Parenthood, and during the peak protest times (Roe anniversary, 40 Days for Life) we get busloads of CHILDREN coming to the clinic to bemoan the evils of abortion. Like, I'm definitely going to change my mind on reproductive rights because

I had a conversation with a conservative member of my family many moons ago where he told me (upon finding out that I regularly contribute money to Planned Parenthood, which I told him proudly) that my feelings on abortion would drastically change when I got pregnant.

I would gladly see the Lego Movie swapped out for How to Train Your Dragon 2 as far as nominations go. Neither of them really deserve to win.

I'm curious what you think cheese is.

I feel the same way when people freak out about women making things with breastmilk. Like... how is that grosser than cow's milk?

I can kind of see GOOP getting on board with a vagina juice fad, especially since it's organic and gluten free.

It's making a foodstuff out of bodily fluids that's fucking gross.

I can imagine semen could add a nice umami flavor to meals.

Men are always encouraging women to ingest their semen.

It's no rosebudding, that's for sure.

You make a valid point. I love yogurt AND pussy!

Agreed. It's on the weird side, but like. Mark has written about exponentially grosser shit than this.

Give me a break. I bet you've eagerly eaten bee vomit.

The negative reaction is as disappointing as it is unsurprising. Seriously, every surface of every city has been etched with a dick at some point. Every second post on buzzfeed urges us to laugh and/or admire things that look like dicks. The Mars rover draws some squiggles on the surface of the planet and we are