What about:
What about:
A bro with talking points and a vegan lifestyle is still a fucking bro.
This seems to be directly tied to the issue a friend of mine and I were talking about, which we refer to as "Philosophy Bros." Philosophy Bros are intelligent, fiercely opinionated, well-versed in an array of ideas and literature and are complete garbage people because they use all of these things as a smoke-screen…
nick congrats on yer bod and like
But that petty jab aside, seriously: I'm not one of those people who think anyone who is religious is dumb, or narrow-minded, or any such thing. Mad props. Even kinda jealz. I'd love for God to be something I could catch.
As a black woman I would ask that you not tell me what to do. I know you think you're helping, but you're not. That was seriously the most condescending response a white person could make and I actually can't believe someone actually waded into this thread to make it. It's like white people can't even try to treat…
Holy shit, that may be the longest essay I've ever seen posted in response to a three-word, non-capitalized, non-punctuated post.
Which is a really narrow category, to be fair.
Yeah the intruder will be stunned, and then what do you think they're going to do? If you guessed "Get pissed off that a bunch of kids threw shit at him and retaliate", you are correct.
Seriously? As a trans woman alumna of a women's college, I was with you kinda sorta until "RIP women's colleges." My personal view is that anyone with any experience of womanhood, whether applied or internalised should be welcome at a women's college. And that includes FAAB non-women (trans men and non-binary folks).…
There are gross out feelings here because IT IS FUCKING GROSS!
Interestingly, I can think of 7 cases right off the top of my head of the exact same thing happening with women in my old hometown that I grew up in. Woman wants to have abortion, man talks her out of it, disappears and wants nothing to do with her or the kid after realizing having a kid is gonna cut into his…
I don't think a guy's opinion should be ignored in these situations, I really don't. But at the same time, when push comes to shove... yeah, the choice of the woman who is actually pregnant does trump the guy who wants to raise the kid. Just as it would trump the guy who wanted her to abort.
"I should have manned up and I should have fought for you," Blandford says. "And I didn't. I didn't. I am so grateful that you are in Heaven with Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that you got to see him before I did. And I know you're going to extend me grace, but I just—it would've been so cool to…
I used to be one of those people. Being alone, let alone digging into my own mind for clarity was scary as shit.
Considering her entire show thrived on the most exhausted and cliche misogynistic quips, I'm not sure Whitney's quite qualified to deem anyone a feminist— "penultimate" or otherwise. That would require knowledge of feminist. And the meaning of the word "penultimate."
i am.
I kind of love these people who think that the dynamics of massively complex macroeconomic systems can be completely described by basic fractions. OMG SOMEONE BETTER TELL THOSE HIGH-FALUTIN' ECONOMISTS WHO COULDN'T EVEN SEE THE RECESSION COMING. Bless their hearts.