
totally. i just also think that in that case he's gotta be the one to take his lumps and be the bad guy for a while til it blows over, you know?

I am so glad that you had a wonderful wedding, but there are plenty of women who don't want to get married, or don't want a wedding, or find joy in other things. There are also plenty of people who find nothing but pain and suffering in marriage. What works for you doesn't work for everyone, and pitying other women

Lighten up, Francis. She's got money going to a good charity, which is arguably more worthwhile than wedding dress recycling.

She's got a charity drive going, is that not enough for you?

I wonder if Ellen is going to comment on this on her show, and if so what she might say...

It's a fucked up world where I say I'm thirsty and someone doesn't immediately hand me a box of Boku.

I know this isn't popular around the parts, but if a film is associated with james Franco, Judd apatow or Seth rogen, I will avoid it at all costs.

I don't know. Sometimes people get so riled up reading Jezebel that it might actually count as cardio.

See, I also feel like that the want/overreach has to have an element of sexual something. Like, you want something that may or may not be sex in a manner that is over the top sexual.

nope it means "overreaching," sorta like this comment

As usual, Andy Dwyer sums up my inner monologue. Also, I am old and disconnected. I am OK with this.

Musicologist specializing in popular music of the 20th century here:

Oh, lawd, woman.

I love you and Jia so much for this. I can't wait til I stop getting hate-notifications.

Now playing

We need to get Giorgio to order from this guy. Instant Awesome!

Azalea Banks is a known asshole, but she is right a lot of the time too. Whereas Iggy Azalea is just a racist asshole, so yeah. No competition there.

he just feels he's not given proper credit for being white and NOT brutalizing people of color.

I work with black inner city special needs children everyday. My job is very stressful and depressing. Albert writes funny cooking columns on weekends. They cheer me up. That is what Albert does for black America. Columns like this make me realize that other people out there are trying to help black people too.

If you're a white person who doesn't brutalize people of color, maybe just bask in that knowledge of your goodness and quit playing the fucking martyr and trying to make it All About You when p.o.c. are hurting.