
Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.

"We have been flooded with hate calls, emails and accusations that inaccurately depict our business."

I think there's a lot of latent homophobia/racism in the Michael Jackson claims. MJ famously spoke in a high voice as part of his public persona (therefore gay) and suffered vitiligo (therefore 'trying to be white'). I'm an unapologetic MJ fan but I get sick of trying to defend him to white people. And it's always

OMG one of them totally said mi lady.

As a middle-aged white man, I think it's high time middle-aged white men stopped having opinions. We just don't do it very well.

Boy I really wish fate would quit forcing you to write such insane bullshit!

To be fair, though, when that happened Spike didn't have a soul. Can we compare soulless Spike to soulless Angel? Because Spike, who didn't even realize what he was doing because he didn't realize Buffy was sick and powerless at the time (not that it makes it okay) was so remorseful that he almost died trying to get

I can't win this contest obviously but wanted to throw in my scary story, for your amusement and holy shit pleasure:

Never seen one myself but I have a story from someone I trust. A few years ago, I asked my SO if he had ever seen a ghost. He got really uncomfortable and squirrelly, lots of hemming and hawing. Annoyed, I said "Just say yes or no! I won't judge if you think you have seen a ghost." (I'm a skeptic and figured he didn't

Context: I am recounting an experience that I had about 8 years ago when I was a sophomore in college in West Chester, PA. I am recounting it to the best of my ability but some details might have been lost due to the time passing and the fact that I try not to think about this all that often.

White people are so afraid of being called racist that they can't take a step back, look at their own assumptions, exercise some self awareness and say to themselves, "Yes, I am also kind of a racist, because I live in a society that, until less than 50 years ago, was trying to make white supremacy work, and my

I'm a Chili's girl, myself.

she's doing wall sits. They suck but are awesome. Holding the medicine ball at the same time is torture. Had a coach who loved having me do that. I am SO glad to see I'm not alone in my need to breathe through it. It's awful!

- My co-worker who spelled tossed (as in tossed salad) "tost" and also spelled cucumber "Qcumber" in total seriousness.

She isn't saying that you should give up your team or loving your team. She's saying that you should recognize that supporting your team (and through them the NFL) while being disgusted at the way the NFL handled the situation makes you a hypocrite. She doesn't say "bad person". She says "hypocrite".

And bring your common sense. When it's 2 a.m. and a guy invites you to his room, it isn't to show you his baseball card collection.

"He does have his own production company... and appears to be involved in some sort of venture about a machine that does nail art for you at home."

I refuse to believe anyone has reached the heights of uber-importance unless they sell monogrammed coffee thermoses.

First time I heard the phrase and I immediately recognized that:

1. It's a reference to something I'm not (and will never be) a part of.


Because the use of the vernacular was very appropriate in this context.