
This is a perfect example of how sexism harms everybody. It pigeonholes people, shoving us all into narrow gender-defined boxes lined with stereotypes and padded with bullshit. I happen to think that men, both as individuals and as a whole, are perfectly capable of interacting with women without patronizing,

Being funny doesn't absolve someone of being a ridiculous, outspoken racist. Not that he's funny.

LOL ok

Since absolutely nothing spoken from Cumia's mouth should be considered intelligent, I choose to bring attention to the deeds of an individual that is far more worthy of attention and negates this ignorant man's argument. Let me introduce Katherine Johnson, a black research mathematician who worked in the all-male

Should we kill him... Put him in prison...

It seems more to me like he's mocking celebrity/fashion. These pics of these women are pretty good for the most part but when translated into everyday life, concepts like blingy Egyptian princess with a jeweled grill is pretty ridiculous. He's just taking it all out of context into a cheaper, real world situation and

Yeah, hi? Woman here. Inspired and motivated by Nicki Minaj. I would apologize for dosing you in reality right now, cept you've probably already decided that well, I'm not like REALLY empowered by her, or that no no you meant like REALLY empowered. Or that I'm a tragic exception to the rules you've so neatly laid down

I agree actually the best "Dom" I have seen in a film was Jamie Bell. He played K in Nymphomaniac. I will admit he was good. He was disarming, and a little dangerous. I was attracted and then repelled at the same time.

I feel like I need to share this because it might make everyone feel better.

So...if a person has a penis, but identifies as a woman, that means they are one?

So I frequently give money to homeless people. Not even small amounts - if all I have is a $20, they will get that. People tell me 'no, don't do that, they'll just use it to buy alcohol.'

I'm well aware of it.

Alcohol withdrawal kills people. KILLS. In the city where I live in California, we only recently set up a

When I say 'the kind of person she is', I'm not talking about what kind of sex she likes or what fetishes she has. I'm talking about character- is she a good person, is she a kind, person, does she care about and help others. And just because one is an atheist doesn't mean they are incapable of prudish misogyny. Even

"Employers pay wages to employees to compensate them for work. Health care coverage is part of that compensation; employees pay a portion of what is costs to get insurance for the employee, and the employee pays the rest."

Then you'll be relieved to know that literally nobody is arguing or has ever argued that employers should be forced to provide birth control to women.

Insurance is part of the compensation package provided by your employer. Your employer does pay for booze and fast women - or pretty much whatever you want - through the provision of monetary compensation, and they don't ask you about it. How is using the insurance provided by one's employer the employer's business,

A friendly reminder to die-hard defenders of the 2nd amendment: if you're not a wealthy, land-owning white guy, then our founding fathers didn't even want you to be able to vote. So what makes you think they'd want you to own a gun?

When I was in grade seven, a kid was suspended for having a pocket knife and I remember the majority of the school making dumb jokes about how you can kill with a pencil through the eye, so they should suspend us all!!LOL!!1!

Jesus... could y'all have posted a review rather than a play for play? The movie isn't out yet!!!
I'm not going to read this (I already had a crucial moment spoiled) but Lars Von Trier is my favorite director.
So there. :P

You had me at