
While I don't have religion so I can't exactly relate, I very much hate the argument that you should leave an organization rather than try to change it into what you believe is inherently better. It's not helpful to jump ship.

So I'm one of these Mormon women who is pushing for non-gendered Priesthood ordination. I get a lot of people asking (sometimes not in good faith, though sometimes with sincerity) why I don't just leave the Church. I grew up Mormon, and it's an integral part of my identity. The culture and the theology and the

DEMENTORS!!!! It's awesome. :D Super cool.

He looks so weird without his glasses on (but they look swell on you!)!

I love that song! I drunkenly serenaded my now-ex-boyfriend with it playing on a jukebox in a dive bar in Boston. We dated for two years.

I'm really jealous. Ira Glass gives me the tingles all over.

You mean his...IRA Glasses?

Ira Glass doesn’t look as I imagined him (if I were to imagine him): he looks somewhat like a dissolute John Kerry. Is that clear glass in Ira Glass’s glasses?

LUCKY! Ira is my #1 NPR crush.

I was a job coach for the Goodwill where I live, and none of my clients made less than minimum wage. Some were limited in the amount they could make in a month, so the could retain disability benefits.

I didn't know that each Goodwill region is run differently. I'm glad to hear there are fair ones out there. Sounds like you guys are doing a lot of good in your area.

This picture is brilliant!

I have never been more jealous of another human being in my life.

OMG, ALL the comments.

This seems like a great place to mention the AMAZING charity I work- Bands4RAINN. RAINN is the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, and they do such wonderful things to raise awareness & help survivors. Bands4RAINN was started by my hero, an awesome 13-year-old girl, and it involves selling wristbands with the


From the anecdotes I've seen, many of the kids would sing and dance as street performers for money, which may be a more effective method of teaching kids to act than private lessons...

Hey, white ladies: That thing, where Beyonce releases an album that not only champions feminism more directly than any other major record this year, but a profoundly intellectual and artistic album, and what you actually focus on is her naked black ass? Stop doing that. Black women have a long enough history of being

Honestly...I never really understood the true importance of intersectional feminism until today. I knew it was important, but I never really got it. Not until I started reading some of these comments, people coming up with any excuse to nay-say this album. Someone used her PEPSI ENDORSEMENT as a negative against her

I call myself "pro-abortion". Because I think abortions should be free, legal and on demand.