
You'd think so, but that level of stupidity didn't stop a certain bus driver from raping a passenger, with plenty of witnesses around! All of whom decided to join in on the assault rather than report it to the police. Clearly the lack of meaningful prosecution of sexual assault cases and the culture of blaming

She'll get pressured. In my experience, people find it threatening to drink in the presence of a non-drinker. I've been told that simply by not drinking, I make them feel judged. I have no moral objections to alcohol! I find drunk people by and large to be a mild annoyance, not bad people. But I can't go out with

I have a genetic pre-disposition towards alcoholism. I'm 26 and I have never drank. Once I reached 21, I tasted a few drinks but never got back the first sip for any of them. I will never drink, and it's because I know what drinking can lead to. I'm a feminist, atheist, tattooed Texan, but I don't drink. Just

No, that's not cool, and obviously. But her being abusive to you doesn't mean she deserves to be raped.

Yeah, you're a pretty terrible person. You know what I've done when I've been with a friend who couldn't make clear decisions due to inebriation, and I could that a guy was going to take advantage of that? I've been a big fucking buzzkill. I've annoyed the shit out of him, turned on the tv full blast, talked

Exactly. I am seriously looking forward to never having to go to the store to buy anything ever again.

Err... first came "out", not "back." Way to not let me edit the comment, internet gods.

I know that 3-D printing is still all shiny and new and mind-blowing, but I can't wait until it is old hat and we can all look back on videos like the this the same way we look back on videos of people talking about the internet when it first came back. I'll 3-D print my computer, and 3-D print my new best friends

According to Miranda's website, they're good friends and Miranda "begged" Kacey to let her record it because she felt like her album would be incomplete without it.

I like it. This might be because I've been eating at this little diner for lunch a lot lately, and they're always playing CMT. I think I'm getting desensitized.

You and your brother sound like total badasses.

I live in Florida, and the term mental retardation is a clinical diagnosis, it has a specific definition. It is an intellectual disability and a developmental disability. Now, in legal documents, employment policies, educational materials, etc. the term mental retardation is not typically used. It is replaced by

Yeah, none of that happened so...I said you were trying to make yourself feel better than a guy who clearly does good in the world and happens to have Down Syndrome. Which is, ya know, weird. As far as I see, you didn't use any mean words, you just skipped right along to be mean spirited.

A learning disability is just difficulty in absorbing, understanding, and relaying new information, be that math, reading (dyslexia is a learning disability), etc. Learning disabilities are not connected to IQ. Mental retardation, which is a type of intellectual disability, is a developmental disability that one

Lot's of assholes can read. Not everybody can give hope to parents who are worried about what will happen to their son/daughter and their independence when they die. But nice try making yourself feel superior.

Down Syndrome is not a learning disability or an intellectually disability. It is a chromosomal condition, and one of the effects of it is frequently intellectual disability. People with Down Syndrome can also have specific leaning disabilities.

Hair dye exists solely to change the way you look, but people change the way they look to make themselves feel better about themselves. Therefor, hair dye (or shampoo, which is what this commercial is about...) can make you feel better about yourself. And blind people like to feel good about their appearance too.

Nope. Racists are the worst travelers.

No. But a big group of people dancing is a good way to get media coverage of an event that will bring people together who are sick of rape culture.

You also get "It's not rape if she's just drunk" or "It's not rape unless she verbally says no" or "It's not rape if she's had sex with me before" or "It's not rape if she's a prostitute" and on and on and on. There is a lot of confusion out there about what actually qualifies as sexual assault and there needs to be