
Did you not see Twitter in the aftermath of Rhianna being beaten by Chris Brown? I've heard young girls in the mall say "Well, she must have done something to deserve it. I don't care, Chris Brown is so fine." Yes, there are PLENTY of people who think domestic violence is excusable in certain situations. There are

There are plenty of people who aren't aware of the existence of rape culture. People still blame women for their rapes! Men still rape and don't even consider it rape because "she was drunk" or "she's his girlfriend." There is a complete lack of awareness of how prevalent rape is, how common it is for rapists to

Thank you! I didn't get to go to my local OBR because it was raining cats and dogs and elephants, but I intended to go because, dammit, I have very few feminist friends, or even friends who are marginally aware of politics, that live in my area and I wanted to connect with people who at least know enough about social

I go back and forth with my bangs. They can be a lot of maintenance if you don't have a stylist you trust (I always got mine cut on the cheap at a local cosmetology school and they sometimes looked great and sometimes looked ridic.) And they make my forehead break out like mad crazy. So I'm doing the side-swept

I totally agree with that. A lot of pretentious assholes go on about how their photos are superior because they aren't retouched at all, and whatever, good for them. But most photographers who make money at their art retouch. I think the process in making the image is important but not as important as how the image

My biggest pet peeve is when someone sees my photos and says "Oh, wow, you must have a really nice camera!" No. I shoot with a Rebel XS I got 6 years ago that I'm surprised even works anymore. My shit is good cause I made it good, not because of my equipment.

I use post processing in my photos, I'll even suck it up and do really lame post processing like selective saturation if I know it is what the customer wants. But overdoing it to make up for flaws in a technically bad (poor lighting, poor composition, poor posing, etc.) photo is an amateur mistake. I used to do that

Yeah, I'm really not getting why she decided to give each set of twins their own cloud of mist. And so many of them are making really unfortunate facial expressions. Direct that shit, hon!

No one is suggesting that you can't have an opinion on rape. But your opinion is clearly shaped around the fact that, as a man, you are significantly less likely to ever have to face the reality of deciding which you would rather have happen to you: rape or death. As women are ridiculously likely to be raped at some

He needs to call me. I will recognize!

Hey, I came in second!

I've played it, and found myself getting irritated at the lack of consistent judging criteria for which card wins each round. When I played, the "card czar" got to just choose whichever answer they thought was funniest and they always just went with whichever one sounded more ridiculous, when there were others that

Bloody Mary's are totally named after me. True story.

That's nothing. Once, I was traveling with my husband on Christmas and I was pregnant (it wasn't his. Ouch, right?) and we couldn't find a damn hotel room to save our lives! We ended up bedding down in a barn with a bunch of shitty animals. And, OF COURSE, I went into labor. Because, why not? Who needs an

*sigh* white male privilege is a helluva drug

I sincerely hope you're doing as well as possible, considering your extreme circumstances. My mother was raped, repeatedly, from the time she was 7 until she was able to get married at 15 and escape her home. She told me about it when I was very young, to help explain why she "was the way she was" but the shock of

I am so sorry all that happened to you. It's so incredibly fucked up that all those things can happen to one person :(

Of course. The definition works because forced sexual penetration is still happening in that a woman is forcing a man to penetrate her.

It was so dry, I could see how someone might not catch it. And I think a lot of people really want the rivalry between Sherlock and Elementary to be a real thing.