
I am a fabulous dresser. And all those other good things. But no one can accuse me of being fun. I am a delightful stick in the mud.

Hey! I'm a Virgo...wait, I'm not fun at all. Damn you, accurate star pattern characteristics!

It's a lot of fun. I did it to one of my (atheist) friends for his birthday. Wrapped his present (The book Jesus Freak by DC Talk) completely in duct tape. It took half an hour to unwrap and the his face was absolutely priceless when he saw what an awful gift it was. I think you're supposed to follow it up with a

My family liked to make one gift damn near impossible to open. Just wrap the ever loving shit out of it. Make the kid really work to get it open. And then make it not even that good of a gift (clothing was always my mom's favorite)

Oh good grief, give the kids some credit. They're a bit more resilient than all that.

You just lost yourself a Christmas half-eaten PB&J.

Oh, the tears of children is what Christmas is all about, ya'll!

Maddow is not a news anchor. She is a news commentator. There is a big difference.

I knew a Jubal in Texas and now I'm wondering if we knew the same Jubal because, how many can there be, really?

That's my name! It's not plural for Jesus, people. Come on.

Stop lights are boring.

I just have a hard time putting my judgy-pants on in regards to anyone else's uterus.

That makes sense. I can't say I know much about the Duggars, but it's always sad to lose a wanted future baby.

Of course. I don't know, the original comment came off a little callous to me. I'm sure they knew the risks, and because of their creepy religion decided to hope for the best, but that doesn't mean anyone should be all "What did you THINK was going to happen, grandma!?"

I'm confused. Is there some way to predict miscarriages now?

I'd suggest the best way to learn your camera modes is just to experiment with it. Set up a little scene (a cup on a table near a window or something similar/simple) and go through each mode changing the settings and seeing the result.

She's been pretty upfront about her love of Harajuku fashion. She's mentioned it in several interviews.

Oh wow, that's hilarious. I also thought "demon" was a cuss word, so that made things complicated.

I believed that I saw demons, like, everywhere.

I can relate. There needs to be a lot of trust involved, and the understanding of what you'll do if a pregnancy occurs, but that's really not different from any other type of birth control. Boyfriend and I have had good luck with using just the withdrawal method for 4 years. And if push comes to shove, I have no