
Watching Trick r' Treat has become my Halloween tradition. That movie is simply fantastic.

All ya'll need to call the Winchesters STAT.


This happened to me. I've found solace in cats and internet friends.

Fable 3 let's you have the option of a male or female character.

My Fiona was not happy about being a pumpkin last Halloween.

You could go Children of the Corn style just by dressing like a Pentecostal.

I so got robbed! I never got a news crew or anything, but a much cheaper hospital bill than my brother.

I, too, was born in a car! A baby blue Chevy that, unfortunately, did not live to see me reach driving age.

Something about your name makes me thing you might have a hard time taking an unbiased stance on this issue...

Oh, yeah, anything over 3 hooks is painful for me , cause I am not stretchy. And 2 is just not enough back support. Bras are way too complicated.

I've found that my band size varies depending on the bra. When I finally got officially measured, the person who helped me even brought me 3 or 4 different sizes because each brand fits differently. Which is annoying.

I'm of the "Nicki Minaj makes everything better" mindset. But this song just didn't do it for me. I guess they can't all be "Whip My Hair."

Psh. That is what I call a realistic enormous package. I want to see a comic book hero drawn with elephantiasis of the dick the way the women are drawn with anti-gravity 32L's.

Which only makes me wonder why the male superheroes are not drawn with enormous packages.

You just need to let Ryan Gosling love you.

I'd say he's probably the character I am least interested in on the show. I wish the show was just about the ladies, honestly.

I shaved my head a few years back, and while it was more a result of my depression than a moment of liberation, it was somewhat freeing. It was also a bit of a scandal amongst the small East Texas town in which I lived at the time.

Michelle Bachmann, ladies and gentlemen!

Wait. Did she just praise one of those girls for waiting until she had been married for two years before having sex with her husband? Or did I hear that wrong?