Liberal Sex Dog (Temporary)

Also at this fashion shoot with Marilyn Manson: Courtney Love, Beck, Hanson.

Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas” 

“And how can you libtards claim Mister Bannon is a ‘white nationalist’ when he practically embodies diversity? On his very own face he has at least four distinct skin colours, ranging from pasty to a deep puce.”

I see Wormwood as half bad in a good way and half bad in a bad way. Mostly I think of it as a precursor to Demons Dance Alone, which indeed is fantastic. The world could use some more Molly Harvey, but it looks like she’s given up singing.

The Ixtra Terrestrial?

> I’m a random dude that works at a power plant, people don’t need to be informed by me.

I can hardly blame Robbie for this one, given that she must’ve been an infant when this went down and that since then Harding has stayed in the news only for schlockmeisters like ourselves.

“I really do wonder what sort of harm people like Limbaugh have actually done with their weird conspiracy theories and whatnot.”

Joel Osteen has homes in both Texas and Florida. Clearly it is a message from God.

Support your right to arm bears.


Wow, 90's era National Lampoon! Barry Bostwick!

Well who else is going to operate the Liberal Hurricane Machine required to steer the hurricane into populated areas?

Get out of my head!

You are making that up.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

Does Bezos not understand that he can just...sell people the book Game of Thrones?

Dam. That mullet is world class. But his rings keep it all classy.

Heck, the AV Club might break 30 comments on an article today!

Look at all the ones and ones and ones of comments on this article!