I hear ya, Jay. I’ve gone 31 years without being Marmaduke, and it feels great.
I hear ya, Jay. I’ve gone 31 years without being Marmaduke, and it feels great.
Been looking forward to this all year, and it’s paying off nicely. Great new track. Seems like the theme of this album’s sound will be “mashing up past MM styles”, which should make a lot of fans very happy.
I’m so glad I’m not the only person whose entire memory of that movie is the word “puce”.
Has she? Damn, that’s a shame... I like Homer/Randy’s voice (I was so proud of myself for figuring out his identity until I saw that everyone already knew, haha), but Molly is on a whole other level.
Another week, another Residents album... two this time, actually: Wormwood and Demonic! Live In Oslo! (their punctuation). I haven’t had time to digest Wormwood yet, but I think I like it. More Molly Harvey vocals are always a good thing.
He still hasn’t opened a business called Bone’s Own Homegrown Calzones, Scones & Home Loans Zone?
He still hasn’t opened a restaurant called Bone’s Own Calzones & Scones Zone?
That wasn’t a bad dream I had? Damn...
“Hmm, seems to be a whole lotta sinnin’ going on. Better kill some random people to send a message. I mean, it’s never worked before, but if I get a laughingstock actor to clarify my intent, we’ll be golden.” - The ultimate being, holy of holies, he who is the very definition of perfection and wisdom beyond…
We’re all thinking it, so clearly the answer lies in a series based on the 1998 Fox Family original spoof of Men In Black, Men In White. That franchise has been dormant for too long!
Hey, Rush? I heard that in the eye of every hurricane, much like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, one can find proof that there’s a liberal cabal working to make it legal for men to marry 9/11s or whatever. Better go back and check for yourself. And bring the Trump administration with you... the ratings will…
Sadly, they turned themselves into pickles to avoid Kinja.
It 2: Brute?
We’ve Talked It Over, And Your Mother And I Think Military School Would Do You Some Good, Internet!
I’ve never been quite able to wrap my head around Hasselhoff’s whole career and persona, but dammit, he’s grown on me. The guy loves what he does and seems to openly and truly appreciate his success. And I always give props to a celebrity who can gleefully parody themselves.
Thanks to the Kinja-ing, it’s pointless to comment on this article now that it’ll be buried under the star hierarchy (seriously, I don’t want to keep harping on it, but this move has absolutely decimated AVC), but oh well:
I’m always up for seeing Sarah Paulson in things, and the best season of AHS dealt with mental health facilities, but... yeah, my hopes aren’t high for this.
Haha, I was totally going to bring that line up as well, but I already admit too often that I kind of don’t hate a lot of ICP’s music. :P
The quoted song does have an admittedly funny moment in “He’ll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four”, followed by them arguing over how stupid that line is. The song as a whole is grating and repetitive (shocking, innit?), but I did always like that bit.