
The one good option? Would have been for the moderators to do their job, and let him know that he was encroaching uncomfortably on her space. I have never seen this mentioned. It always seems to be on the victim to somehow resolve the situation....

Dog Pope

I got a bowl, it is made of marble. The name of the Pope is me-ee-ee.

The body count rises as the Bradys do whatever it takes to keep their family together and their secrets hidden. Lucky for them they have a friend who knows a butcher.

Thank you! Calculating? Who in hell isn’t calculating at that level of success? You neither get to the top, nor stay there, without calculation. And not only that, you’ve got to be good at it. Lots of losers are calculating too– but they ain’t got the skillz.

That is animal abuse by uncommonly prudish people. This requires Doris Day’s input:

Again, does anyone affiliated with the Trump administration believe we AREN’T going to find out about their blatant lies? It’s like they are all so fucking desperate to be in the social elite that they’ll lie about anything. I mean, between “Dr. Gorka” and Lady Greystroke here, I can hardly contain my disgust. When

I saw him as attractive in a unconventional way.

I mean, you’re supposed to sort of find him attractive in spite of his looks, I think? But that Cormoran’s just conventionally attractive.

I loooooove (it’s a lot of O’s worth) the Cormoran Strike novels, even if the last one has left me extremely angry. But no way is Cormoran Strike that attractive.

Oh, that quote from George Orwell is so damn ironic. Since these people have literally and figuratively sainted the Confederate soldiers and their leaders. They have slanted history by formally declaring that it was never about slavery, that it was about state’s rights. Covering up the whole of history with a nice,

Zollinger posted a horribly written screed from conservative outlet the American Thinker, in which a writer named Patricia McCarthy calls “[t]he ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat, and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of racist and Nazi sympathizer”

I’m great! I made some big life changes and spent a lot of time away from these comment sections, but am slowly coming back. I think about you all the time as the person that got me into Discworld. I’ve read more than half the series.

Anne! How are you, how have you been? I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve talked.

Read a book.