
Have you ever considered writing a book? I adore your tidbits!

In the past few weeks we’ve said goodbye to the Mooch, Spicey, Reince and as of today, Steve Bannon.

I’ve always been REAL suspicious that anyone who tells you you’ve gotta look past stuff like this is secretly harboring some toxic shit of their own and wants the reassurance you’d look past that too.

Hey y’all I know we’re talking about Brad Pitt and all but do you mind me changing the subject because I just got creeped the f out. So I’m apartment shopping currently (which in Austin is a nightmare) and I came across what seemed like a rather nice duplex near downtown (almost too good to be true).

So I clicked on

Glenn Close in a movie musical!!!! shut up and take my money!!!!

I’m imagining how glorious it would be if every former slave-owning state would send ALL of their Civil War monuments to Trump Tower (for ‘safety” haha). He can put them on display in the lobby, cover them with gold leaf. He would be awakened at 4 a.m. to the sound of bulldozers and wrecking balls. One of NYC’s finest

“...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

It doesn’t matter- Trump’s followers are too stupid to understand that the Pershing story is bullshit and those that do just don’t care.

I have a degree in history. It required zero viewings of those statues. The history of the civil war can be remembered in books and museums. It does not require placing the leaders of rebellion on literal pedestals.

Yep. Anglin is an old-style Nazi, who espouses the old Nazis’ “Kinder Kueche Kirche” view of women (= children, kitchen, church and nothing else).... so he’s babbling about how childfree women are a drain on society and have no worth. And of course, since the audience is a pack of doughy incels & women like Heather

“I’d rather have my child, but by God, if I have to give her up, we’re going to make it count.”