
This may be the gift I never knew I wanted.


Trump is the white sheet his supporters project their fantasies on.

What is seen cannot be unseen.

Even his “regular” tweets are loathsome. “Important meetings”? He’s a big boy, with important meetings!

God really decided to try something different with the Second Coming, didn’t he?

The hat belongs in an incinerator, and the obvious newness of Trump’s big boy boots looks silly, but yeah, the rest of is acceptable.

Dog bless.

Wonderful! They sound like good changes. :)

I’m fine and dandy, how about you? It is always lovely to see your name on my kinja dashboard! I have been so thoroughly converted to #twinja, I forget that comments here can still delight me. :)

“Consenting adult humans” is the most difficult phrase in the English language.

Glue them to the protest sign.

I understand the instinct behind your question, but civil discourse and debate is for when there are two sides to an issue. It doesn’t work for wiping out a deadly disease, which is what white supremacy is.

I am not going to go down the cliche road of blaming a woman for an evil man’s actions, but I’ll go as far as to bet she’s only upset that her boy was caught.

The bus doesn’t have to kill him, just make him soil his pants.

It’s a good thing I’m poor.


I always tweet that I’m working hard, while I’m working hard.

Much better.

“Long division.” 😂😂😂😂😂