Get thee to a grocery. :)
Get thee to a grocery. :)
Today. :(
Sadly, yes.
Even in my predominately Spanish-speaking corner of the country, that is a surprisingly common mistake among the younger generations. Leading to many a (briefly) scandalized grandparent!
I don’t think anyone could see you as unreasonable here. No way.
“Michelle Obama is beloved by all who value what is righteous and true” is a superb line, too.
Oh yes, I should probably say New Mexican. When I dine in actual Mexico, there are marked differences. Which reminds me, Public Service Announcement: Never take my southern American in-laws to a posh restaurant in genuine Mexico. They will do things like request “nachos”. Which the chef will generously try to craft to…
Mexican + egg is my main food group.
Ugh, I’m sorry. I hope writing it out becomes the first step toward putting yourself first.
Best wishes!
Absolutely! I am happy with this choice.
I have only second-hand info, but my brother-in-law is from Mobile. He’s a liberal commie pinko feminist tree-hugger. You CAN find good people there!
I have got to get out more.
Huh. I am really behind in snack trends.
Uh oh. I feel a snack attack coming on.
Oh hey, I want these.
Do they have a “white cheddar” version?
He looks like Satan’s ventriloquist dummy.
She’s welcome to watch it. :)
This film keeps looking better and better.