“Basically”? Paging Judge Brown, paging the Honorable Kara Brown...
We need to start rebutting “vote your conscience” with “vote your brain.”
Yikes. These women are still going to go through so much.
Folklorico Voting should be a thing!
I don’t have any insight. I just want to say that I love it when a child reveals “This is me,” and a parent says “Okay.”
The breast exams, the HIV tests, the prenatal care, AND the abortions are all essential, life-saving offerings.
That was a surprisingly uplifting story. Thanks.
If we rip their earrings out, do they not bleed?
I ripped out an earring while brushing my hair yesterday! I am exactly like Beyoncé! Except for piddly little things like beauty and talent, but pfffft.
My dog is a greyhound mix. My brother and my neighbors have rescue greyhounds. It may just be anecdotal evidence, but every greyhound I’ve ever known, including these three, have to pee very frequently. They cannot hold it indoors very long. That might be worth researching.
Me either. I’m “Libraryanneagin” there (agin, not again), but I think I’ve amassed a history of three tweets, total. I lurk and read everyone else’s humor!
She lets down her hair (as RaPUNzel) on Twitter. :)
Oh yes, I vote. In every election, at every level, every time. I am exhausted by the insanity of this evil orange cult, but there is no way I will be apathetic at the ballot box.
I... can’t shrug that off.
I can’t wait to wake up and find I was only dreaming about people actively trying to turn the United States into a third-world dictatorship.
Oh, but Crooked Hillary is rigging the election.
Please clap.