
That Anderson Cooper. You give him a centimeter, and he’ll take a mile.


“Whooo! Sexual assault! Yaaaay!”

Shhhhh! Don’t let him know about your Vagenda of Manocide.

He should go teach kindergarten.

Sad. Too sad for an exclamation point.

I’m not sure enough coffee exists...

I’m only hoping the “He’s awful, but, but, he’s the GOP nominee” people think twice.

The worst ones do.

Bless his survivalist-in-bad-jeans heart.

I hope she takes the high road, but it is tempting to think about.


I read that! I wondered why demons needed to be elected. They can’t even make up good spawn-of-Satan stories.

No, I’m just hoping some of them are still uncalcified.

Some people are unreachable. I’m only holding out hope for the ones with some spark of humanity left.

Probably, but votes ARE secret. Maybe they’ll realise loudly opposing President H. Clinton’s every move for the next four years will be better for their careers than letting Trump loose in the GOP china shop.

I’m starting to hope this way is actually better. All of the Republican primary candidates were racist, misogynist nightmares, but they didn’t all have “tremendous” closets full of skeletons.


It’s like the Twilight X-Zone Files.

Can you share links?