A+ and Dee.
“The mother” is the speaker’s own daughter? Brrrrrrrrr.
Agreed. I enjoy a g-damned dirtbag, even though I almost never click through to the actual gossip sites. The writers here are why.
The Notebook 2, Electric Hiddleloo.
Oh, sorry if I sounded like I was lecturing. I was just getting it straight in my own mind. You know how many characters and story threads there are in those books!
I have big enough feet to wear men’s shoes. Those are tempting.
In the books, it was Jeyne Poole, pretending to be Arya. Sansa wasn’t involved at all.
Ice cream, he says. How starry-eyed. ;)
Seconding DBSABPTina’s advice. Send snail mail. Being forced to try to speak coherently on the phone, in the first hours of shock and grief, probably won’t help her much. You can write your sympathy, and offer to talk if and when she feels up to it.
I thought nothing could be worse than Gwake. I was so naive.
Maybe we need Fake Court to carry on after Shade Court.
I’d have guessed that sculpture was cocaine-fueled, not cocaine filled.
Oh wow, I need to make that shirt now!
Oh no, the only thing better than using the triple word score yourself, is blocking it so no one else can. Bwa ha ha ha ha.
I’m sorry you don’t feel appreciated here. If a virtual hug from this one white, American feminist will help at all, then: (((((HUG))))))
I believe you! You were about to have new armies!!!
I only do this with board games, but then I Scrabble for blood.
There really needs to be a “flagged for pure stupidity” category.
“Zero” is also a four-letter word. Suspicious!