
“Dwyane, I just wanted to come see you in person so I could offer my sympathies.” - Trump

True story: One year, a friend picked up a pumpkin for me, and put it on her balcony. That night it snowed. When I came over to pick it the next day, we couldn’t find it. In the spring when all the snow melted, she found a puddle of orange mush.

Is there something legitimately bad about Drake? I’ll say it- Drake is a catch. Somebody ought to snap him up.

Gonna focus on personal connections over a type and text existence.

Dwyane Wade’s cousin was killed in Chicago.

Like, if you s—k d—k too good the first time, guys will be like, ‘Mmm I can’t make a wife of her because she s—ks d—k too good

I sincerely appreciate what Amber Rose is doing for women, which I personally think is a lot. This paragraph is absolute truth:


At least spell his fucking name right...

I was just talking to my wife about this. I grew up in New York, so I’m used to this guy. He’s always been stupid, outspoken, annoying and dangerous (watch the documentary “The Central Park Five”), but now it seems like real dementia is setting in.

Pence is more scary to me than Trump. People who want to break away the separation between church and state are dangerous. Just look at how Turkey is now that they have a non-secular leader.

Yes. “It heightens their other senses!” See: Daredevil.

That is some unnecessary and sick shit. I’ll be skipping this one. Thanks for the link.

That’s the correct reaction. This is so far beyond funny. This is not a game any longer. This is not a publicity stunt or fodder for bad Jimmy Fallon jokes. You may not like Hillary, i’m not a fan myself. but you can’t say with conviction that four years of her will make the country worse than four years of this. Of

Since it was in Chicago, it must be Obama’s fault...I guess?

Wish I had something more clever to say, but a simple “Man, fuck this guy” will have to suffice.

Man. Fuck this guy.

That’s about right.

Have anyone ever even met a gypsy? Do gypsies even exist anymore?