
This is beautiful. It’s up there with “ I believe both of them (despite Kavanaugh actually, provably lying at his hearing), but I’m going to vote to confirm his seat on the highest court in the land.”

We are conditioned to do this. Like the whole “i am a strong woman who knows her worth” type thing. Its worse for DV victims - the kids get a ton of sympathy, but people turn on women so fast, esp especially other women because of that mentality.

Kid is obviously a danger to women on campus when he’s drunk. He was also visibly drunk in a dorm which may not allow for alcohol on premises. He may have broken more than the “don’t touch women with out consent rule” which should weigh in any school disciplinary ruling, if there is any. 

It saddens me that this could very well be true. 

I’d figure it would be part of the Interior, but I guess Reagan was an asshole, and put it in Commerce instead.

Yes, that would make sense.

I got it - it was rhetorical. Why did nobody put it back?

LOL  I know, but we have had other administrations to take it out of Commerce but didn’t. 

I know this doesn’t matter, but can Ross, as commerce secretary, actually fire people that are part of a completely different agency?

Also, Teigen is a master at this Twitter shit. 


Yeah they are - I was also thinking of those old Christmas candle lights, too. Those goddamned things have exploded on me before. They are a blight.

Yes, I got auto filled  and didn’t realize it. Fixed.

Yes, to all this. That eagerness to paint her as the sadistic teen girl who is only focused on her reputation is so disgusting to me. 

Hill I will die on: the candle shaped lights are fucking dumb and I’ll be glad when they're gone.


Oh, I agree, especially with her not really being in the right headspace. It seem is also very likely that she did have a stillborn baby, especially since she was most likely not getting enough nutrients due to her eating disorder.

Yes, but they have to prove the baby was born alive, then buried alive (it is possible for a frightened teen to think their baby to be stillborn if the baby was born not breathing and the parent panicking and just burying the baby alive without realizing it) or killed the baby before burying it.

Yes, that’s weird.

Your morality tells Americans they can treat non Americans like dirt. Your morality tells white americans to not listen to POC when it comes to racial inequality. Your morality tells religous folks that they are automatically saved because they worship the right creed, others can be treated like dirt. Your morality