
Sure, that’ll work, too! A potted one, so people can pick it up and mover to where ever its convenient.

Holy shit.

One person even said to me that she wasn’t bothered that she could get profiled because she’s brown and speaks Spanish. Because she could prove she’s a citizen. Like that’s not the point, but she was willing to go along with it because Trumps policies and attitude worked for her.

Could be in a state that explicitly states you can’t discriminate based on orientation or gender expression.

My hand writing is shit and I'm part of the community, though just recently realizing it and getting comfortable with it. 

Holy Shit! I thought it looked weird! The damn thing is upside down. Thank you!

I’m beginning to think that person with the flag was a plant. Most people in our community could see it. Trump really may not care if you’re part of the LGBT community, but the folks that are using him certainly do.

Well, that’s worse than I thought. 

I think she is un-killable. Like she’ll go when she wants to fucking go. 

STAR patterns? Really? Do better TOMI.

Yup. He looks creepy af. no thank you.

so we’re down to 19 people still running? 

I hate when people use “female” when talking about humans in this sense. There’s no reason for it, especially for a woman who claims to do so much for women - I know this isn’t true, because even passionate conservative women don’t use it. It’s dehumanizing. This woman sounds like a fucking robot. 

Ah, I'm sorry. 

Well, to my knowledge the Nordic model hasn’t even been tried at a scale the size of our country. To wit, US style democratic republic government was never tried before a bunch of colonists were pissed off and lucky and look how its working out.

How can he not know? Like this isn’t the first time he’s pulled out Jewish stereotypes - crap, he did it earlier this year, to American conservative Jews! He called Netanyahu “their prime minister”! Its the same trope! At what point do we say, yeah, maybe his is, in-fact antisemitic?

you do not just chat casually online about these things. Perhaps you should be a little more clear then, because Trump was talking to American Jews who voted for Democrats about their loyalty to the country (or more, specifically, himself, because he believe he is the country, in a sense), not to any other group of

Yes, but we don’t have a true socialist country to go off of. When you demonize socialism, your discarding the fact that those countries are able to use parts of both capitalism and socialism in a successful way. And that those countries use democracy as a check on both systems. Their democracies are strong, not weak.

Nope- that’s not it

They are democratic socialist. Their form of government is democratic socialism.