
Kamala makes for a great AG IMO

Everything is biased based on something. So, no, you’re opinions aren’t going to come from a black person’s perspective, but they are coming from a slightly smug one.

Statistics show that getting the police involved doesn’t do much, either. I’d say that the girl was doing her best to keep awareness up for others in the school.

Why would he feel so targeted if he felt like he didn’t do anything wrong, is my logic?

Agreed - The point being that they should know that just because there’s a gun in the house does not make the Ms. Jefferson inherently dangerous. They don’t get to justify the shooting just because there was a gun found on the premises after the woman had been shot! Especially in a city in Texas.

I was hoping “the Slot” would take up the slack - they had a lot of content when Gawker was winding down. 

Didn’t she retire after doing something that toed the legal line? Cause that tracks. 

Honest mistake - but one that is real dumb. Holy shit, just look up US warships next time. 





I guess that's why he called the nonemergency line?? 

Even if it was there, she could have owned it legally - should fucking matter if the thing was there. In the great state of Texas that should make you a gold star citizen.

If you thought there was a threat, then why didn't you wait for fucking backup? Even if there was a gun found IN THE HOUSE it doesn't matter cause you shot a person through the goddamned window! You never stepped foot in the house, motherfucker. 

Okay, I hate myself for laughing at that. No, it looked like a chef’s salad.

No it isn’t. But too may people think it is, because it points out a flaw in the system, or that somehow they didn’t earn what they have.

Worst part is that a lot of people don't get it. Or don't care. 

Yes, its painful, and yes poverty sucks no matter who you are. I was poor- it fucking hurts, and I am white. So I know what it feels like. But I would not think I am more deserving of getting assistance than a person of color (because why aren’t they working? Their leeching off the system???) That somehow my poverty

Fuck! I dismissed the wrong person! I meant to say good riddance to “good riddance.” Who is an asshole , not the person asking about cat and libraries.