
Thank You! Also, can we please add that Imperial Japan was definitely capitalistic in nature, but also a fascist militaristic government that killed as high as 10 million civilians? We don’t even know because the Japanese armies didn’t even bother to keep records of those they killed, and 1930's China was not really

There’s always a tweet for that:

I mean someone did cosplay Bea Arthur cosplaying Deadpool, I donno how anyone could top that, but I am for it. Especially since she was an advocate for LGBT homeless folks.

Its almost as if american jews are not a monolithic entity. 

Yes, and that he doesnt mind having a girlfriend/boyfriend.

Same. It'll be fun to watch him implode.

OMG, yes. Good god, we’re fucked. 

I like the cut of this person’s jib.

Gabrielle and Xena were my original OTP.


Hopefully with a friend who is Harley. It would explode their minds that the two dated for a while. They can’t dispute it - its fucking cannon, bitches.


No you’re not. They used a banned technique on him- because it kills people. No complying should never come with a potential death sentence for something like this. Bumps and bruises, yes I’ll give you that. What happened to Gardner is beyond what is normal for a civil infraction that he may have been innocent of.

Or Constantine, cause he's gruff n'sexy and British.

If anyone shows up dressed like deadpool, they’re either trolling or don’t know the character that well

There were other ways to have him comply, like maybe not have all six officers standing around him, have one guy negotiate. There are ways to make people like Gardner (he was not violent, just shouty) do what you want without escalating to violence. 

Let’s not play this game with him. He’s going to give a shite answer anyways on that because he doesn’t think that’s actually antisemitic.

Bodega owners can be shady af. I believe the call was from the bodega owner, though because there was a fight outside the shop. 

Interesting that Conservatives like Root would accuse Democrats of bowing before Obama, as if he was our “Lord and Savior”, and is now literally doing the same thing for Trump. But serious. Because Religion.

It’s sad that that is so fucking true.