
the bad apples are now outnumbering the good. 

To a lesser extent, they also go after poor white rural communities (I have some horror stories from some of the people I used to work with who were white) and it saddens me that most white people just don’t care, because it completely turns their world view around.

He did it outside a bodega, so obviously that makes him in the wrong to the point where he had to be detained, then choked out.

Our relationship with our police force should not be dependent on them being happy. It should be the other way around. They are public servants. 

All the spice in the world.

If it really were altruistic, they wouldn’t have salaries that are higher than teachers. I love how teachers don’t get paid, have to have higher education, have absolutely no funding (different than funding going to fucking tanks than salaries or safer vehicles) so they have to buy or crowdfund their damn classes, oh

Yeah, that pile on was ridiculous.

Then ask the man to move away from the shop. They don’t have to detain him. Stand there till he moves off. 

Yeah, even if he was selling loosies, they could have just printed him the ticket/citation and gave it to him. What he did after that was totally on him. Or they could have just gave him the warning and ask him to move away from the shop entrance (I remember he was outside a corner store, but my memory could be


Also, if a platform loses a license, you could lose access to the games under that license. 

I mean it is possible for him to be white, but if he’s not, he doesn’t realize he won’t be allowed into the club once the other brown folks are taken care of.

Kinda interesting that he’s so worried about countries’ autonomy, that he ignores Greenland’s autonomy even if he was half joking.

When people do that, it short circuits the people they’re talking to. It works for Ben Shapiro all the time when he ‘owns’ the earnest college kids all the time.

Lol agreed. Nuance is something they don’t want to look at. Cause Nuance is fucking hard, man. Its so much easier to see the world without those shades of grey in it.

Yes, but they get treated as such til union busting, then they conveniently are left out of the conversation.

Yeah, they’re not unions, but they get treated as such, til union busting happens. 

Yup- for communities who do feel that crush, it is a sad truth. 

Yup - I love how they always miss that. Like, guys, if you’re going to use the metaphor, then perhaps actually follow it.

Yup. Isn’t the phrase, “A few bad apples spoil the bunch?” Since we like to use fruit metaphors for these guys. Get rid of the bad apples sooner, then, perhaps, that can help repair the relationship between communities their PDs.