
lol, yeah. But they can copyright their name with the “the” in it. Which makes more sense. Or, as you mentioned, its a publicity stunt.

You’re right. sue the league for his injury.

Fine, but if he got concussed while wearing his old helmet, he then shouldn’t be able to sue the NFL for liable.

My sister did, too! Agreed - fuck Ohio State.

Um, they can’t. That word is used too much. So no.

No problem! Dove has saved my clothes many a time! Its also great for getting blood out. I had a cat that would scratch me without me knowing how badly she got me. Id bleed through shirts, and the only thing that would get most of it out would be the Dove and a wash.

Lol yeah. Pouring dish detergent in a washing machine will probably fuck it up pretty bad. But it is great for spot cleaning or pre treatment.

I know she speaks German and Slovenian. So that’s three of the 5. The German came from a bazillion years ago when she and 45 were in Germany for a summit and she was speaking to a rep in German. It was kind of sad that she seemed to be the only one of 45's retinue to actually look diplomatic. 

I use it as a spot cleaner to get out food stains that were recent. It’s actually great for lifting out grease.

I mean it is the thing that a majority of Christians follow in the US. Guess they don’t like that guy too much, then. 

I think this happens with all genders, but it feels more vindicated for guys?


Don’t people get, that when communities are healthy, everyone benefits? Sure, there are going to be rich people, and poorer people but there isn’t going to be as much of that hopelessness that people feel when they aren’t stuck in lower socio economic cycles.

This guy is an ass. The whole point of giving us the tired, the sick and the poor is that they can’t stand on their own feet. They needed help, so they came here. Our collective is what makes them rise, makes them step forward, then they can stand on their own.

To be fair, we intentionally made it hard for Japan to have a powerful standing army, it is in their constitution, which we “helped” them write at the end of WWII.

Shinzo Abe is a shit. That said, don’t fucking imitate people’s accents, especially when you do fuck all to even try to learn their languages. 

I wanna be that lady on the council who just burst into laughter at this ridiculous man when I grow up.

lol, yea that’s why I replied to you. I ain’t touching this person’s shit at all. 

I love how you think your so smert by ignoring the actions of the company that hired these people. The company used undocumented immigrants for labor, potentially allowed for physical abuse and sexual harassment to go on at the plant, but your take away is : “It’s all your fault, brown people!”.