
Christ this makes this even more fun. Workers want to protect themselves from exploitation, but instead they get raided, and their kids are left parentless.

That’s what I don’t understand: all those people who say undocumented people are eating into our resources because they aren’t paying taxes (untrue) then why not make them citizens so they can pay their taxes above board? I think it would be less expensive than taking the parents and putting any kids in the system, or

Mom was a runner in the 2013 Boston Marathon. She didn’t make it through to the finish line because they were stopped about a mile away from the finish. She didn’t the bombs but for the smoke, but she saw the chaos afterwards. Dad was there, too, and may have been hit by shrapnel if he didn’t move to try to find mom.

Problem is that they have always said that about corporate America, but they don’t do anything about the thing that Dems and some Republicans (at least on the surface) actually agree about.

Isn’t walking behind a horse a no-no? I heard it’s dangerous to do so.

But trade wars are good!! Says no smart person. Ever.

you can be normal in the head and be a white supremacist. This is is someone who has been indoctrinated to hate by other people. Hate and anger are not mental illnesses. Hating a group of people because of what was told to you over and over is not a mental illness. It is learned.

Video games, like most media, are reflections of the society they come from. If they’re violent, then we might want to hold up a mirror to ourselves.

Being angry is not a mental illness. Being radicalized is not a mental illness.


We can look at her relationships with politicians as her way to get into the game, because frankly, it happens with men and women. Also, we can talk about her relationship with a shady character in regards to her political career, but this isn’t at all what Tomi Lauren’s line of attack was, at all. 

You could say that her being attached to Brown at the beginning of her career shows poor judgement, as he was shady as fuck. But to say that her relationship is her “sleeping her way to the top” is disgusting.

He also mentions in the article that he has helped other politicians further their careers - ones he did not date.

Meh, since you’re on the same thread, I figured I’d respond to you, since his first response to you was basically the same as his response to me. If he is at all interested in that, he can check out my stuff while you guys are throwing flames at each other.

Rural violent crime rates are actually rising (this is in response to our shit head troll). Here is the WSJ that this article is actually linking.

Indeed. They blame the people from the “city” for their drug problems (selling it in those rural areas). Bitch, please, you know Uncle Joe has a meth lab set up in the woods somewhere and Jake and Tina have their own pot field behind their house. Oh, and you hang out at the town’s dive bar with the biker gangs, who

Yup. My hometown is rep’d by a guy in Congress who’s actually being indicted on insider trading. He’s called most d’s criminals and was one of the first NYS politicians to endorse Trump. They didn’t vote for the democrat in the last election because he was, in the words of my father, “a dick”. Whatever, people.

Oh, I get it, but its so goddamned frustrating, because I’m from a rural area in NY. They all blame outside forces (which is partially true) but a lot can be mitigated by making changes that they are unwilling to make. 

They don’t care about the distinction between a local government and the person they elected nationally to represent them. As long as they can point the finger and land a hit on a “mean” rep (who happens to be black) its fine.

I was agreeing with you, if with a really poorly worded response. I dont think the creepiness of the material should be used as an excuse to mack on women without their consent.