
Well isn’t this little Nazi cute?


Mark Cuban is election Santa.

Surely Mark Cuban can dig around his couch cushions and come up with the 5 million. For America.

If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

😮 honey run, they will come for you.

Maybe the camera crew helped her out.

Given the smoke and mirrors involved in the making of the Kardashian brand, or any reality show, it’s not really an asshole comment.

It’s just a joke. Everyone can relax.

Kim, I won’t believe it unless Kameras Kaptured it. Sorry.

I know Britney has had her trials and tribulations and I wouldn’t want to go through any of what she’s been through, but just once in my life I would like to experience what it’s like to be that attractive. To be able to look in a mirror and think “Lookin’ good!” instead of “Good lord, man, you belong in a bell tower.”

cuddle up while listening to lullabye versions of bob marley songs. you too will zonk right tf out.

If boring means yoga on the beach and great sex, sign me up.

Based on both her dating history and recent choices of films, I feel like Jennifer Anniston is a much more fun-loving and free-spirited person than Brad. While he decided to settle down into a long term relationship and have a gaggle of kids while making movies like that terrible romance one from last year with his

And that he’s considering adopting a bunch of kids from an impoverished country in the hopes of getting Angelina back.

Is Brad pregnant? Sources say yes and he’s doing it to fill the void from his divorce. Revealing baby bump bikini pics on page 12.

For full balance there, we now need to spread rumours that Brad’s pregnant every time he holds anything that covers his stomach.

“There’s an endless appetite for trash, apparently, though everyone would say that they don’t have that appetite,”