
“Police initially reported the woman had died but later updated her status”

That’s cause he’s not a republican...or a democrat or a political outsider or a goddamn human. He’s a pizza grease covered sewer rat.

It’s amazing how petty these commenters can be. They are MUCH worse than the average spelling police. They are ‘the smallest detail police’; patrolling and issuing citations for details that are only incorrect to them personally and insignificant to any other sane person on the planet. I call her Connie Rice as well


I wish I had more than a star to give! Spot on comment. Esp re kindergarten and pre school teachers. I subbed in my 20s and I would do any age group EXCEPT those two. I couldn’t handle them, they bullied and made me cry every single goddamn day. Yes, 3 and 4 year olds defeated me daily until I quit subbing those ages

That is some solid ass advice right there that I am going to try when the next sleepless night train arrives...which it will soon, cause that fucker never misses a stop at this house.


Well, if any of them actually do get paid the 6 figures, I hope they know how to budget. Because having your name attached to Donald trump in 2015-16 is the equivalent of becoming human mustard gas and no one is going to be around you without a gas mask.

What is so utterly terrifying about this bald clownfish is that your statement isn’t hyperbole. Based on what he has said about her, that could very well be a legit desire of his. JFC, I can’t believe this is actual reality. Holy shit, ya know? I can't believe this white supremacist has gotten this far. Goddamn.

“we’re going to take them in and we’re going to cherish them, and they’re going to love us.”

Instead of a fly sneaking into her telepod it was an 8 ball and these tweets are the result of the fusion.

Good fucking God. There are photoshopped flaming numbers on his head and they aren’t the most unrealistic looking thing on his head.

Look that those goddamn beenie weenie thumbs on him. I want to wrap them in crescent rolls and bake them until they are flaky and well done, like his face.

The sick irony is that she is “praying for the victims and families.” No thanks with those goddamn prayers. It’s religion that made a human garbage pile out of the shooter to begin with. His POS dad spent his entire fathering years telling his gay son that gay people have the deepest fire pit in hell to spend eternity

“and it’s easy to forget that these large animals are some of the most deadly predators out there”

His op ed just proved your prediction to be correct.

Truth and total truth. He is a complete animal. And judging by an outburst his son had a few years back, he is passing his belief system and idea of how to treat people right on down the assembly line. My genetics aren't Ivy League. There are some screw ups in my blood line. But, NOTHING like him is floating around my

Truth! You know, I have seen that guy in dozens of movies over the years, some of which I really liked (usually despite him), but, I don’t associate him with any of his characters when I think of him. He will forever in my mind be the ‘planes make me toot’ guy. That’s it. That is what he boiled himself down to for me.

In the last pic you can tell she's clearly having trouble finding it!

It looks to me like she’s trying to do him a solid and pull his face back into place.