
keybpard explod

Chances are you typed that on a device made in China. How’s it going for you?

Take a trip to Asia and you’ll understand how lawyers ruin everything fun (but stay a little longer you’ll understand how they keep everything from going to hell).

Not sure many other places are much better.

It’s not like this is an escalator.

I somehow do not have much faith in China’s quality control.

Hmmm... if that is you in your profile pic, than I don’t think so? You look quite distinct. The fact that this happened to more than one person blows my mind.

Yeah the fact that she was on Tinder a couple months after her husband died and that my fucking husband was on fucking Tinder at all... They were both fucked up. They bonded over the fucked up. He ultimately told her he was married and she wanted to be with him anyways. I felt sympathy for her until she kept going

As a child of a family practically named dysfunction I, unfortunately, had a bad feeling about Brangelina’s failure from the start.

He was married (to you) and she was recently widowed, and they were both already on Tinder, and bonded over stuff you talk about in therapy? That is a seriously WTF sitch. I’m sorry you had to deal with such a shithead.

For god’s sake, seal those records for the sake of the children! But if you don’t, I’ll be back to read ‘em. Nomnomnom.

I’m still in shock how much this Angie and Brad thing blew up... To be fair, I always think everyone is going to make it. I guess I’m just shocked it all fell apart this badly so suddenly. Like, damn, something bad must’ve happened to break up a family like that. And I believe her that something bad did happen on

We know Billy

Alright, I have two weakass Ivanka Trump anecdotes:

True but a guy called Barack could be Barry or Bazza and Michelle - Mel or Shelle then Condoleezza can be Connie or Condi.

Australian can’t help but shorten people’s names.

Damm it Orange Slug you are not going to to make me cheer for Connie Rice? How am I getting nostalgic for neo con Cold War hawks who are genuinely responsible for a load of the crap were are dealing with? 2016 stop I want to get off this crazy train.

It means she wasn’t showing enough leg.

He can’t even fake respect for Republican women.