
As we age, our looks change. Even if she didn't have any work done, she still wouldn't look the same as at 27.

You have to realize just how radical it was that this nobody, who looked not so much like the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie as the personal assistant to the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie, was suddenly…starring in a Tom Cruise movie.

I’m basically a caveman, left to its own devices, my bush would probably grow to engulf my entire person.

So so typical. Truth is the majority of guys have no complaint if a vagina is waxed smooth as a peach or just trimmed, some even like the full 70's wildnerness. Very very few guys will go through the effort of having a fight with their significant other over the issue. At most, when a guy’s lady suggests he shave his

the reason she originally filed lawsuit without an attorney is because attorneys can be sanctioned, fined, and have their licenses revoked for bringing claims that they know are false. every time they file any legal paperwork of any kind, they are certifying that the claims are at the very least- arguably valid, that

It seems like he’s more of a patent litigator, which makes it less of a jump. While he has actual patent prep/pros background too, patent litigation is still litigation (hence why a bunch of litigators with no science background also got into IP litigation), and while of course a specialist in this particular type of

Really? His involvement is what makes me think it’s pretty legit.

Well, I don’t think it’s a hoax generated by Trump himself. The man and his (former) campaign manager are total idiots who use campaign money to transparently pay his own companies, as well as that “Draper Sterling” thing, which I mean, was “Totally A Fake Company LLC” taken? That Manafort dude seems pretty with it,

Fuck it...own it. I hereby relabel Donald Trump "Donny Wrotten".

Honestly, what jumped out to me the most in this whole story is that the lawyer that eventually took her case is a patent lawyer. That’s like...getting a gynecologist to do your spine surgery. I mean, yeah, they’re both doctors, but the level of specialization is pretty intense. It’s the same with attorneys.

Feelings breakdown:

Even if this story isn’t true, this man (a man who on several occasions waxed lyrical about how much he wants to bed his daughter, repeatedly expresses bigoted views about minorities, talks and acts like a neanderthal, among a host of other things) has garnered mass support from Americans. I mean completely setting

Even, even, even more if it does turn out to be a hoax. ‘Those uppity womenfolks always lying about being raped’ is pretty much a battlecry for a lot of them

At a former job the maintenance men cut tile with box cutters, so yes, you absolutely can. He was not, I'm sure.

Like you’ve never tried to circumcise yourself.

Cutting the cheese is part of the bathroom experience.

He didn't realize the toilet paper was perforated into sheets, and was just going to cut off some.

Now I’m stuck on the idea of someone trying to cut tile with a knife...

... why would you bring a knife into the bathroom just because? Was he planning to, perhaps, julienne some carrots while he was in there? Mince some onions? Cut some tile he was planning to lay?