
She would get the money anyway. No pre-nup. Being abused doesn’t actually result in higher spousal support.

Ah, I had the “no, actually *she’s* the abuser” shit pulled on me as well - they think that their lies will be bought because “admitting” that a woman abused you is so humiliating and emasculating that it has to be true. My ex was lying (disgustingly) then, sooooo I’m going to call bullshit on the claim that Heard is

This guy didn’t say he witnessed anything. This writer pulled that out of her ass - for some reason.

Right? Stanhope is a nihilistic alcoholic with a very dark take in the world. He’s not the guy to make a meaningful character reference. Yes, Mr. ‘Stink Pussy’ tell me about your friend who would never touch women.

Seriously, who the fuck is taking this junkie’s word for *anything*? He’s friends with Anthony Cumia for Christ’s sake. He’s a misogynist piece of shit. He’s been drinking heavily for so long his brain is fucking pickled. He probably can’t remember today much less the happenings of days ago. This guys is a train

This guy seems pretty sketchy. If you ask me, Depp’s team is furious at him right now because he comes across exactly as he feared he would: like a name dropper. If Depp had this witness to Amber’s alleged blackmail and abuse, why not include his statement in the response to the judge earlier this week when the judge

Someone can abuse you and tons of people will come out and support them “they were great people, they would never! It didn’t happen to me! Lies!” It means nothing.

He looks like he smells like cigarettes and flop sweat. And he would talk super close when he’s drunk.

He realizes that Amber could have said all that shit AND Johnny still could have beaten her that night too, right?

Well i’ll say this for Doug - he does come off exactly as he thought he would.

In his essay, Stanhope admitted that Depp was unaware that the comedian planned to publicized his account of his relationship with Heard, and expressed his fear that in defending Depp, he “would just come across as a sycophant trying to attach myself to a sensationalized story in order to further my career.”

While “Oakland Booty” is indeed a “black” reference, it’s simply not true that “LA Face” is a “white” one. In any case, Mix-A-Lot places the LA Face/Oakland Booty as the “ideal combination”, not as two separate options. So he’s either making a statement about mixed-race ancestry or... it’s not really meant to cross

People referencing her and Ryan praising genetic definitions that POC have is annoying. So what if Blake Lively praises her (it’s true, it’s not that big) butt, so what if Ryan Reynolds compares his wife to the Queen B?I would need to hear that that is considered racism from an actual POC, not some other rando white

Stupid and inane I’ll give you. But racist? How in God’s holy name is this racist? Was Sir Mix-a-Lot touting a racist diametric when he penned the line?

“In the end, it touts a diametrical opposition: that Los Angeles can be equated to elegance and/or beauty (read: whiteness), and that Oakland is its foil (read: blackness).”

Genuine, no snark questions. Were any black people offended by this? Or is this manufactured controversy; white people being offended on behalf of POC?

Isn’t calling Baby Got Back a bar mitzvah staple basically the same passive racism? Kindof trivializing a black artist through a frame of privilege in the same way you argue the lyric creates a dichotomy between LA and Oakland.

Do you ever wish we were as outraged by real institutional racism that affects the daily lives of millions and is the reason this lyric exists? Wouldn’t it be great if for every “Actress Possibly Commits Microtransgression” headline there were 4 or 5 actually covering the topics that highlight the real oppression

i kind of get it. my mother is bipolar, but she’s ok as long as she takes her meds. some days, she thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t need her meds. my dad will come in and remind her that she is ok because she’s taking her meds right and then he’ll watch her take them. he also makes sure she doesn’t miss any of her

And even if it didn't, normal people don't need a disclaimer of "they are a totally normal person," if you have to say it, they aren't normal.